Part 11

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'Kristen finishes up your hair and starts your makeup'

You: Make-up too? What's going on?

Kristen: Well I don't know his plan, all I know is I was told to make you look more beautiful than you already are, so that what I'm doing

Paddy: Y/n!

You: Paddy!

Sam: Hey Y/n!

You: Hi Sam!

Harry: Hi Y/n

You: Oh, hey Harry

Paddy: Awkward

Sam: Paddy shush. Where's Tom? He brought us here

You: I don't know Sam. I woke up from a nap and he was gone, and Harrison and Kristen were at the door

Harry: I think I might know where he is

Kristen: Even if you do, you're not saying anything

Paddy: Y/n, you look really pretty

You: Thank you, Paddy, Kristen did it for me

Paddy: You did a really amazing job!

'Kristen whispers something to Sam and the boys leave and she gets you a dress from a bag she brought with her.'

Kristen: Okay, are you ready to go?

You: Yeah, but can you please tell me where we're going?

Kristen: I'm sorry, I can not. I was asked to keep it a secret

'You get in the car and drive to central park. You walk in with Kristen and see everyone standing in a line facing you, with Kristen joining Harrison.'

You: What's going on? You're all making me nervous

Harrison: Well good thing Spidey is here to help

You: Tom?

'The line splits open from the middle'

Tom: Y/n, you look amazing

You: Thank you. Tom...what's going on...?

'You noticed it's just you and Tom, everyone else left'

Tom: Y/n, I love you more than I ever thought I could love someone. Once you told me you were just going to play along, I knew I wanted more

'He pulls a small box out from his pocket'

Tom: So, I'm hoping you will play along one more time. Y/n, will you marry me and make me even happier?

You: Oh my god Tom...Yes! Yes, I'll marry you!

'Everyone comes out from behind a bush they were hiding behind and run towards you and Tom'

You: Kristen, I'm engaged!

Kristen: Uhh I know! And I made you look so good!

'You give her the biggest hug and continue with the others'

Harrison: Congrats Y/n! I can't wait for your wedding

You: Thank you, Harrison

Sam: Congrats Y/n! Welcome to the family

You: Aww thank you, Sam. I'm excited to be a Holland

Paddy: Y/n, you're like my sister now!

You: Not actually Paddy, but I'll always be there for the sister talks and try to be the best one!

Harry: Umm Congratulations Y/n

You: Thank you. Are you okay?

Harry: Yeah, I just feel bad

'You feel someone hug you from behind, it's Tom'

Tom: You ready for some dinner shortie?

You: Shortie? Where did that come from?

Tom: When you made me sit down to hide my bruise

You: Well, I like it. Is everyone invited to dinner?

Tom: Of course, they are! They kept my secret!

'You all head to dinner and find Harry just staring at a wall. You ignore him at first and keep talking about the future.'

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