Part 117

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'Everyone arrives at their destinations safely. You get an Uber back to your apartment. The boys bring the suitcases upstairs'

Harrison: We'll see you guys later

Kristen: Harrison and I are going out on a date

You: Have fun, we'll see you later!

'You and Tom walk inside, but as the elevator gets closer, you squeeze Tom's hand and start to breathe heavy'

Tom: Hey, they aren't here. I double-checked

You: It doesn't matter. I almost died here

Tom: I know, we'll get through it

You: Together?

Tom: Forever and always...

'He kisses your head and you walk in really slowly and start to calm down'

You: Can I just stay down here?

Tom: Come on, you can't sleep on the couch

You: Why not?

Tom: Because you need to face it

You: I was tied to a chair and if I spoke, they would kill our bedroom!

Tom: But you didn't, and you got them away

You: That doesn't matter to me!

'You fall to your knees and start to cry'

Tom: Hey, I'm sorry I pushed. We can stay down here

You: I didn't think it would be this hard to come back

Tom: It's okay, this is my fault

You: No, it's not. You couldn't have done anything

Tom: Yes, I could've. You told me to leave

You: Because if you didn't, they really would've killed me. They would've done it to hurt you too

Tom: No, don't say that

'Now both you and Tom are crying'

You: I need to say it because if I don't, I'll never let it go

Tom: Shortie, we can't think about that because it didn't even happen

You: Tom, you never understood, did you?

Tom: I'm sorry?

You: You didn't get how serious they were

Tom: I did

You: No, you thought they were playing. You probably didn't fully understand until you found me

Tom: know, you're right. I did think they were playing

You: When did you realize it was serious?

Tom: When Jacob showed up at my parents' house in an absolute panic

You: You mean to tell me you trusted him?

Tom: I would be lying if I told you no

You: Tom, it's okay, I'm not mad

Tom: Look they aren't here, and what did you tell me the night we first came to New York?

You: Seriously

Tom: To not be afraid, and to stand up to them

You: Why am I so wise?

Tom: So, let's go and not be afraid. Let's stand up to it

You: Can we go slow?

Tom: We have all the time in the world

'Tom picks you up off the floor and you walk up to your room'

Tom: Alright, you got this

You: Okay, let's do it

'You walk into the room and the ropes and chair were still there. You squeeze Tom's hand and tears start to form. You don't know what else to do, so you go to clean up'

Tom: Hey, what are you doing?

You: Cleaning this mess up. If I clean it up, I won't see it. Can you help me?

Tom: Of course, I can. Anything for you

You: Thank you, Spidey

Tom: I know this is a rough time for you, but I wanted to tell you something

You: Yeah?

Tom: I'm really proud of you, and I was never more scared in my life with the possibility of you, not in it

You: Spidey—

Tom: No, I'm serious. The whole drive here I was so scared I would find you dead or hurt, and me not being able to help

You: I guess you do understand

Tom: What?

You: Oh, I said that out loud?

Tom: You did. What do you mean?

You: Remember the day Kristen came back from the hospital, and I told you that I had to fight?

Tom: Yeah, I was really confused

You: Well, you just proved to me that you understand my fight every day

Tom: You're still fighting

You: Everyday

Tom: Why?

You: I fight to keep you around me all the time

Tom: You don't have to fight for me, I'm not leaving

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