Part 31

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Tom's POV

Harrison: Hey man!

Tom: Oh hey, what are you doing here?

Harrison: To talk, we haven't done that in a while

Tom: Well, I'm just trying to stay happy

Harrison: Why wouldn't you be happy? Aren't you getting married at the end of the month?

Tom: Oh yeah, I'm so excited about that. I'm just worried for y/n

Harrison: Oh, shit that's right

Tom: She's finally moving in the right direction. The last thing she needs is for her parents or Jacob to show up again, especially since we'll be in the states again

Harrison: Well you'll be with her right?

Tom: On this movie, yes, but we can't work on every movie together, right?

Harrison: I mean it is Marvel, so there's a chance. Plus, even if you're not in the movie, you can still be there

Tom: I guess so, but I don't want her to relapse with her anxiety again. I just got her back

Harrison: Tom, as long as you're there, she's going to be fine

Tom: You think so?

Harrison: Yes. The thing you didn't see was that she changed completely when she saw you leave for the hospital and changed again when you woke up

Tom: What are you talking about?

Harrison: She needs you, Tom. You have given her another chance at a life she's always wanted

Tom: Really?

Harrison: Wow, you really are blind to your own life dude

Tom: I guess I've been so worried about her stressing and been keeping her distracted that I haven't been paying attention to myself

Harrison: Yeah and in the process, you've lost yourself, Tom. You've lost the guy who's my best've lost the guy who looked at me to give a girl your number...the guy who fell in love with y/n

Tom: Oh my god you're right. What have I done?

Harrison: You haven't done anything yet, but you're headed down that path. y/n has done so much for you in your recovery, do you want to know why?

Tom: She wants me to get better?

Harrison: Yes but no. She knows it's her fault, but she doesn't want you to know she feels that way

Tom: She told you that?

Harrison: Oh no, she told Kristen, then Kristen told me, and now I'm telling you

Tom: I have to go talk to her. Thank you, Harrison

'Harrison leaves and Tom follows him out'

Your POV

'Before Tom came back you slip upstairs'

Tom: Hey shortie, we need to talk

You: Okay, what about?

Tom: You promised no more secrets

You: And I don't have any Tom

Tom: Yes, you do. Harrison just told me

You: What did he tell you?

Tom: That you think me getting stabbed is your fault

You: It is my fault, Tom! How could you think otherwise?

Tom: How could you not tell me?

You: I can't have this conversation right now Tom

Tom: Why not y/n? We promised no more secrets, and this is huge

You: Well...I-I just can't right now

'You walk out of the room and out the front door. Once you're out the door you start running to wherever your feet take you'

Tom: y/n! Come back! I'm so sorry

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