Part 80

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You: Are you ready for today?

Tom: Someone's excited

You: Disney's my happy place. This was the one place that never changed in my life

Tom: What? Did you come here every day?

You: Yes, sometimes by myself and sometimes with my grandparents

Tom: Okay, I was joking

You: Eh, it's alright

'You both get ready and you all match each other. You and Tom wore red and black, Harrison and Kristen wore purple and black, Harry, Sam, and Paddy wore orange and black, and Tom's parents wore yellow and black.'

Sam: Is this normal?

You: Be glad I didn't make t-shirts

Harry: People do that?

You: Yes! I didn't have time for that though. You guys have been to Disney, haven't you?

Paddy: No, this is our first time here

You: Oh my god. We're going to have so much fun!

'You all head down to the monorail'

Paddy: Which one are we getting on?

You: Whatever one comes first. This track is a big circle

Paddy: Awesome!

Tom: Why is he so excited?

You: It's the magic of Disney. You should know that, considering you work for Disney

Tom: Keyword, work for Disney. I've never actually been

Kristen: We figured that out

Harrison: So, what's first?

You: Well the first fast pass is for Space Mountain

Tom: That sounds cool

You: It is cool

Kristen: You'll enjoy it

Tom: Why didn't my parents come?

You: Your mom planned different stuff for them. It's just us kids today

Harry: No parents?

Tom: No, and it's okay. We'll all stick together

You: And I've only done one fast pass, so after that, we can decide an order

Sam: That sounds like fun

Kristen: Today is all about having fun

'You all get off and head to the front gates'

You: Okay, you have to put your band on the Mickey head and your finger here

'Everyone gets in and you head to space mountain'

Harrison: Should we grab a map?

You: No, I have it memorized. And if I forget it's on my phone

Harrison: Works for me

'As you're walking down Main Street, you're holding Tom's hand. Harry takes a picture of you two with the castle in the back. You arrive at Space Mountain and split yourselves up. One group was Harry, Sam, and Paddy, then Harrison and Kristen, and you and Tom'

Paddy: That was amazing!

You: I'm so glad you liked it. Do you guys want the pictures?

Harry: Of course!

'You put the pictures on your band to download later'

You: Alright, let's go make an order for the day

'You find a place to sit and decide the order of the rides'

You: Okay, so the order is Buzz Lightyear, Pirates of the Caribbean, Big Thunder Mountain, Splash Mountain, then Lunch

Paddy: After lunch are we leaving?

You: Absolutely not! We're staying till they close

Paddy: Yay!

Tom: Let's get going!

'As you head to the next ride, Tom holds your hand as long as could'

You: I hope you're prepared to lose Tom!

Tom: Oh no, you're not winning shortie!

'Going through the ride, you beat Tom by a landslide'

You: Told you I would win. I know all the secrets!

'You get to lunch and finish the order for the day'

Harrison: Where are we watching the fireworks?

You: In front of the castle on Main Street, that's my favorite spot

Tom: Sounds fun!

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