Part 104

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'You barge into your room and start yelling at him'

You: Mind telling me what these are?! I've kept my cool all day, and I'm giving you a chance to fix this

'You hand him your phone and he goes pale'


Tom: y/n wait!

You: No, I'm not waiting. I need some space before I say or do something, I regret

'You run out to your car and drive to the park you and Tom went on your first date. You just sit there watching the people and eventually the stars. You decide not to go home, but to Kristen's old apartment, since she never officially moved out'

Kristen: y/n?

You: What are you doing here?

Kristen: I figured you would end up here. Want to talk?

You: How could he?

Kristen: y/n, did you let him explain? Or did you let your anger get in the way again?

You: I just walked out because I knew I would do something I would regret

Kristen: So, you didn't let him explain

You: No, but I just need some—

Kristen: No, you don't. This is you putting up those walls again. y/n, I need you not to do that

You: I'm sorry

'You break down crying and Kristen wraps you in a hug. Then she switches with someone, and you just bury your head into their chest knowing it was Tom'

You: I'm so sorry Tom

Tom: You have nothing to be sorry for. I'm the one who needs to apologize

You: I didn't even give you a chance, so I'm giving you a chance now

Tom: Okay. I was talking with my ex-girlfriend

You: Tom!

Tom: To tell her I have a wife, and that she's the most amazing, strong, beautiful, smart woman in my life

You: I'm so sorry Tom. I just didn't—

Tom: No, I'm sorry. I should've just told you where I was going

'He pulls you close, and you bury yourself into his chest, and cry some more'

Kristen: You guys ready to head back?

You: Yeah. Tom, can you drive my car?

Tom: Of course. Come on

'You all head home, but you hesitate to walk in'

Harrison: You okay?

You: I think so. I'm just going to stay here for a bit, watch the stars

Harrison: Have fun

'You sit out there almost all night. Tom knew you were there but knew you needed some space'

Tom: Hey, why don't you come inside now? It's really late

You: Okay. Carry me?

Tom: Hop on

'He opens his arms and you wrap yourself around him. You bury your head into his shoulder and hold him tight'

Tom: I'm here. I'm not leaving you

You: You had me worried

Tom: I wouldn't live with myself

Harrison: You're his everything

You: I'm your everything?

Tom:'re my everything

Harrison: You guys are so cute

Tom: Thanks. Are you ready for bed?

You: Yeah, I'm really tired

'Tom carries you upstairs, and you snuggle into him'

Tom: Are you really okay?

You: I really don't know. I just feel like I'm not good enough. Like I don't deserve all these chances

Tom: Well, I'm glad you've had all these chances

You: Really? Why?

Tom: Because I wouldn't have you lying next to me every night. And I never told you this, but you're the first girl I ever met that liked me for me

You: Why wouldn't they like you? You're perfect...

Tom: They only wanted the fame and my money

You: Oh, I'm so sorry

Tom: Don't be sorry. I finally found someone who liked me for me. You were the first one who felt bad about spending my money

You: I still do...

Tom: But we're married now, so I still don't care

You: You have no idea how much I love you

Tom: I think I do. And I will always love you more

You: Not possible

'You both fall asleep and you're starting to feel happy again'

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