Part 148

147 7 1

Tom: Shortie, come on. You need to get ready

You: 5 more minutes...

Tom: I already let you sleep as long as you could. You need to get up or we'll be late

You: Fine! These stupid babies don't let me sleep

Tom: Well, I have a feeling our sleep will start to become non-existent

You: Especially with twins

'You get up and get ready while Tom makes breakfast and packs lunch'

You: Spidey?

Tom: Yeah?

You: Can you tell that I'm pregnant?

Tom: No, but that shirt is really pretty

You: Thank you. So, how much do you want to bet the minute Robert sees us he'll say something related to the babies?

Tom: 5 bucks

You: Alright, let's get going

'You and Ton leave for the set. You walk in hand in hand'

Robert: My god baby's here!

'You stuck your hand out to Tom'

You: 5 bucks, please

Tom: Here

Robert: What just happened?

Tom: We had a bet if you would say something about the babies

Robert: Well, I'm glad y/n won. So, what are the genders and names?

You: Your godchild is a boy, who will be named Ryker Dominick

Tom: And the other baby is a girl, who will be named Haylee Kristen

Robert: Those are both amazing choices. So, does anyone else know about the twins?

You: Nope, they think we're having one

Tom: But only our family and you know we are even pregnant

Robert: Are you still out of the press?

You: Yes, why else would I wear clothes like this?

'You all laugh and get ready to start your day'

John: Hi y/n. It's good to see you

You: You as well

John: Alright, so I would like to introduce you since no one really knows I retired

You: You didn't tell the team?

John: I'm going to right now

'Your team gathers around, and John tells them what's happening then you start to take charge'

You: Hi everyone, so as you know I'm y/n and I really want to make this movie great. I want you all to welcome Ashley to our team. Today we are going to go over some storyboards so we can shoot our first scene

'You team gets to work, and everyone gets to their places'

Joe: y/n! Congrats on your promotion!

You: Thank you, Joe

Joe: Are you ready for this movie?

You: I am. I'm very excited

Joe: Then let's get started

'Everyone starts filming and you can't help but smile. When you stopped for lunch you went to Tom's dressing room couch'

Tom: Tired?

You: And nauseous...very, very nauseous

Tom: Did you bring anything with you?

You: Not to work, no. I haven't felt this nauseous since I first found out

Tom: I'm going to get you some water

You: Thanks Spidey

'He leaves to get water and comes back with Robert'

Robert: Hey kiddo, you okay?

Tom: Here's your water

You: I'm okay, just nauseous

Robert: The water should help

You: How do you know that?

Robert: Susan was almost always nauseous

You: Oh, you must be an expert then

Robert: I try to be

Tom: Can you go back out? We have like 2 minutes left of lunch

You: Yeah, I'll be fine

'You all head back to filming and finish what you needed for the day'

Tom: Thank you for the advice Robert

Robert: Anytime, I'm good at this stuff

You: Ready Spidey?

Tom: Yeah, bye Robert

Robert: Bye kids

'You and Tom head home and you crash onto the couch the second you walk in'

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