Part 66

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'Tom brings you out of the city into Jersey'

You: Tom...Jersey? Really?

Tom: What's wrong with Jersey?

You: Oh, you pure London boy

Tom: Seriously, what's wrong with Jersey?!

You: Nothing. I don't want to ruin this. I was joking with you

Tom: As long as you're here, you won't ruin a damn thing

'Tom pulls into a parking lot to a park with a view of the New York skyline'

You: Tom this is beautiful

Tom: Yeah, but not as beautiful as you

You: You're too cute

Tom: Alright, come this way

'Tom grabs your hand and brings you closer to the water'

Tom: Okay...stop

You: This is better...

Tom: Okay, stay here...I'll be right back

You: Tom...

Tom: Promise

'Tom leaves and a few seconds later he grabs your waist. You let out a little scream'

Tom: It's just me

You: Oh my god, you scared me Spidey

Tom: Sorry. I didn't mean to

You: It's okay. What's this surprise?

'He turns you around'

Everyone: Surprise!

You: Oh my god! You're all here!

Tom: They're moving here!

You: What?! That's so exciting!

Mrs. Holland: Me and the boys bought a house about 20 minutes from here

Kristen: And Harrison and I are moving in with you and Tom!

'You turn around and give Tom the biggest hug'

You: Thank you, Spidey

'Then you run up to everyone else'

You: I'm so happy you guys will be here

Mrs. Holland: And there's no need to worry about us. We installed the best security system

You: That's a relief. Thank you...

Tom: Should we show them our new place?

You: Can we show them tomorrow? We have to be up early and it's late

Tom: Yeah, but Harrison and Kristen are staying in our room

You: That's fine. There's literally room for your whole family in there

Tom: They have their own place. See you after work guys

Mrs. Holland: Have a good night!

Harrison: Are we ready?

You: Yeah, let's go

'You get back to the hotel and you go right to bed'

Tom: You doing okay?

You: Yeah. Today was just draining

Tom: Have you cleaned your stomach?

You: Not since they came out, no

Tom: I'll be right back

'Tom comes back with a wet washcloth, soap, and a dry towel'

You: I can do it

Tom: It's okay. I've got it

'Tom finishes cleaning it, leans down, and kisses'

Tom: See? I don't care

You: You're too much Spidey

'He puts everything away and by the time he comes back you've already covered it up'

Tom: That was quick

You: You know how I feel about it

Tom: I do, but I don't fully understand why

You: It makes me feel like I look gross and weird and like no one should be around me. Which is what my family thinks anyway

Tom: Who cares what they think? You've left them behind. Jacob's in jail, your dad is dead—

You: Which makes my mom still out there somewhere...

Tom: Who cares? We've been through enough to know they don't scare us anymore. I know they don't scare me anymore

You: The only one who scared me was Jacob, but when he came that night, things changed...

Tom: Well, that's good

You: But not about how I feel about these. It's a constant reminder of how they have destroyed me

Tom: They didn't destroy you, you're amazing

'You snuggle up to Tom and fall asleep'

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