Part 69

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'You put your plate away and grab your stuff'

You: Tom! Let's go! I'm going to be late!

Tom: Coming!

'He runs down the stairs and grabs your hand'

Tom: Ready?

You: Yeah. Bye Harrison, see you later!

'You and Tom head off to work'

You: Why are you coming with me so early?

Tom: I was already up, plus I don't like Harrison's driving

You: Tom...

Tom: What? Am I not allowed to drive my wife to work?

You: You are, but I feel like there's another reason

Tom: There's no other reason. I promise

You: Fine, I'll get it out of you eventually...

'You laugh and grab his hand. You get to work, and Tom heads to his dressing room while you get to work for the day. Just as everyone starts to arrive, you don't see Tom coming out. So, you go find him'

You: Hey, Spidey, everyone is—

Tom: Okay, I'll be out in a minute

You: Are you okay?

'He turns around with tears in his eyes, so you close the door'

Tom: I'm not okay

You: What's going on then?

Tom: I don't know. I've got about a million different things I'm thinking about

You: Why don't you take a day to yourself. We can work on the stuff you're not in. You can go home and get some sleep

Tom: I can't just leave

You: You can when your mental state isn't doing well. I'll have Joe come in and you can talk with him, okay?

Tom: Okay...

'You wipe his tears, give him a kiss, and go out to find Joe'

You: Joe!

Joe: Hey, what's up?

You: Tom's not doing well today. Can you go and talk to him? He's in his dressing room

Joe: Of course

'You see John come back, and he just nods. You look at your phone and see that Tom texted you'

It said: Heading home for the day. Going to try to sleep. Have a good day shortie

You write back: Don't worry about getting me, I'll walk home. It's a good day for some exercise. Feel better, love you lots Spidey

'You get back to work and do the villain's storyboards. Your team agreed on all the changes. You stay behind the screen this time to make sure it looks good. By the end of the day, you're really looking forward to seeing Tom'

John: Great work today. See everyone tomorrow!

Robert: y/n!

You: Robert hi!

Robert: Hey is Tom okay?

You: I don't know. I wasn't able to talk to him before he left

Robert: I hope he's alright

You: Me too

Robert: Do you need a ride home?

You: That would be great, thank you

'You walk out to Robert's car, and he drives you home'

You: Thank you again Robert

Robert: Of course. Anytime you need a ride

'You head upstairs to find Kristen in the kitchen'

You: Hey Kristen. How was your day?

Kristen: It wasn't easy

You: Why? What happened?

Kristen: Tom happened...

'You drop your bags on the counter and run upstairs'

You: Tom!

'He doesn't answer so you run into your room'

You: Oh my god...don't do that to me...

Tom: I'm sorry...

You: Well, are you feeling better or worse?

Tom: About the same, I didn't sleep any

You: You need to tell me what's going on. I can't help if I don't know

Tom: I don't know how to explain it to you

You: Then tell me your thoughts


You: Fine...when you're ready, I'll be downstairs

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