Part 98

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You: Crap I've got work tomorrow

Tom: It's alright, I'll drive you

You: Thanks Spidey

Mrs. Holland: Alright, bed, everyone. y/n can I talk to you?

You: Of course

'You Tom a kiss and he heads upstairs'

Mrs. Holland: Are you okay?

You: I'm so-so. I feel like part of the weight is gone

Mrs. Holland: That's good

You: Yeah. I'm also really sorry I lied to you. I wasn't ready to tell you all and see the look of disappointment

Mrs. Holland: Honey, it's alright. There's plenty of options for both of you

You: Yeah, I know. I just wish I could carry my own, you know?

Mrs. Holland: I do, but sometimes life throws you a curveball. All you can do is get the next one

You: Thank you, Mrs. Holland. It means a lot

Mrs. Holland: Goodnight y/n

Kristen: y/n!

You: What? You're scaring me

Kristen: No, I just had the BEST idea

You: And?

Kristen: Why don't I have you and Tom's baby when you're ready?

You: You would do that?

Kristen: How many times do I have to tell you? I would do anything for you

You: I didn't think you were serious...

Kristen: All I want is for you to be happy, and I know having a child will make you happy

Harrison: And we've already talked about it

You: What?

Kristen: Harrison and I didn't want to have kids until you and Tom did

Harrison: But after tonight, we want to help

Kristen: It's also good practice for my own

You: I can't ask you to go through that though. That's 9 months of complete hell, and then you give them to Tom and me

Kristen: But we live with you, so they'll always be around us

Harrison: Yeah, we don't plan on going anywhere. So, we'll help you out all the time

You: You guys have no clue how much this means to me

Tom: Did they tell you?!

'You nod your head and Tom gives you a hug'

Kristen: So, now we wait for you guys to be ready

You: I want to get my family under control first. The last thing I need is them harming our child

Tom: We'll be okay. Plus, they aren't at our apartment anymore

You: How do you know?

Tom: There are cameras pointed at the elevator. I saw them leave, and they haven't been back

You: I'm going to be sick

'You run to the bathroom and start to throw up'

Tom: Hey it's okay. I got you

You: If they aren't in the apartment, they could be anywhere, and we don't know

'You start to breathe heavy and squeeze Tom's hands'

Tom: Hey take a breath

You: I can't, it's too much

'You start pacing back and forth'

Tom: Please calm down. We're going to be okay

You: D-do yo-you p-promise?

Tom: Yes, I promise. We'll be okay

'Tom wraps you in a hug and Kristen and Harrison walks in'

Kristen: Are you okay?

You: For now. And thank you

Kristen: For?

You: Having my baby one day...

Tom: Yeah. You have no idea what that means to us

Kristen: After everything, it's time you two start a family of your own

You: Yeah, but we have you guys. So, we're not in a rush

Harrison: We'll always be here, even if you make us move out

You: I could never ask you to leave. My kids will grow up with you

Kristen: Our kids too

'Everyone hugs and Tom carries you to bed'

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