Part 22

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Kristen: Hey y/n, hey Tom

You: Hey, what's up?

Kristen: Oh, Harrison went out, so I wanted to bug you guys and see how you're doing y/n

You: Well I'm getting better, but I'm still a little on edge. Even though I have all these great people around me

Kristen: Well progress is progress to me, and at least it's going in the right direction

Tom: Yeah, you had all of us really worried y/n

You: You were all worried about me?

Kristen: Dude look at your palms

Tom: And you'll understand

Kristen: We all missed the fun, loving, energetic, always smiling you

Tom: And we're almost back

You: Thanks, guys. Last time this happened I didn't have people like you guys

Tom: So, you're moving faster than last time?

You: Yeah, I think so. So, Kristen have you guys planned your wedding yet?

Kristen: No, we haven't talked about it much actually

You: Well if your engagement is anything like ours, you'll be planning it in a few months

'You all laugh'

Kristen: So, when are we dress shopping?

You: I don't know. I need to see how much money I have first

Tom: No, you don't. My parents told me they would pay for my wedding, ceremony and all. So, that leaves me with extra money to spend on attire

You: I can't ask you to pay for my dress Tom

Tom: Well you don't have to because I insist

You: Alright fine, but this is the last dress you buy for me, okay?

Tom: Okay, darling

'He gives you a kiss and heads upstairs to put the laptops away'

Kristen: Hey, are you really okay? I know you don't want to worry Tom

You: I wouldn't say okay, but I would say moving in the right direction

Kristen: Then why don't you say that?

You: Because Tom can't be stressed right now

Kristen: y/n, he wants you to tell him the truth

You: I know he does, but I'm afraid if I tell him how I feel, I'll just stress him out

Kristen: You're going to marry him y/n. He is ready for it

You: So, you're telling me that if I tell him everything, I told you after all of this happened last time, he wouldn't want to walk right out that door and start running

Kristen: I'm not sure

You: I know you did, and I'm not even sure how you didn't

Kristen: Because you needed someone to be there for you y/n. My job as your friend is getting smaller now that you have Tom

You: I just don't want to be a burden Kristen

'Your head is in your hands when you see Kristen look behind you at the stairs. It's Tom'

You: You heard all of that, didn't you?

Tom: How could you think you'll be a burden?

You: How could I not be a burden?

Tom: Shortie, you're never going to be a burden, not to me

You: You say that now

'Before you finish your conversation, Harrison comes in'

Harrison: Hey guys!

Kristen: Harrison!

Tom: Hey mate

'You give him a smile'

Harrison: So, Kristen, do you want to have a dinner date tonight?

Kristen: I would love that! y/n, can you do my hair and makeup?

You: Yeah, of course, I can

'You head upstairs and start to do Kristen's hair'

Tom's POV

Harrison: How's y/n doing?

Tom: Well she told me she was okay, but then told me she didn't want to be a burden

Harrison: A burden?

Tom: Yeah, she's worried she'll be a burden if she tells me how she really feels

Harrison: Is there a way you can make her tell you?

Tom: I'm not sure. While you guys are away, I'm going to try

Harrison: Well good luck. I just want the old y/n back

Tom: Yeah, me too

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