Part 136

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'It's been a few days, and you have your appointment today'

Tom: Shortie! Come on, we're going to be late!

You: I'm coming!

Kristen: Hey, let me know what happens

Harrison: We'll be here no matter what

'You give them a hug and head out to the doctor'

You: Spidey...

Tom: Yeah?

You: Would you be upset if the test was wrong?

Tom: I would, yeah. But I'd still love you

You: So, you wouldn't be mad?

Tom: No, I wouldn't. I've been to all of your appointments. I know this isn't easy on you or your body

You: I was so afraid you would be mad

Tom: Why didn't you tell me?

You: I didn't want you to be mad at me

Tom: I have literally never been mad at you

You: Never?

Tom: Nope...never. You're too cute to be mad at

'You both laugh, and you head into the office. A nurse takes you back and Tom holds your hand the whole time'

Dr. Craig: Hi Mrs. Holland

You: Hi Dr. Craig. How are you?

Dr. Craig: Pretty good. And you?

You: A little nervous...

Dr. Craig: Oh don't be. I assume that's Mr. Holland?

Tom: Yes, it's nice to meet you

Dr. Craig: You as well. Alright let's run through some questions then I'll do an ultrasound

You: Sounds good

Dr. Craig: What made you think you were pregnant?

You: My friend actually. I kept waking up nauseous, I just thought I was eating too much the night before

Dr. Craig: How long have you been nauseous?

You: A few weeks maybe a month

Dr. Craig: Have you been really hungry or tired?

You: Hungry, yes. Tired, no. I actually only sleep a few hours. I'll just lay there for a while staring at the ceiling

Dr. Craig: Are you staying active?

You: I'm trying to, yes. I do have a very busy and active job, not right now though

Dr. Craig: Alright. I'm going to be right back

'Dr. Craig leaves and you hold onto Tom a little tighter'

Tom: It's alright, I promise. Whatever happens, I'll always love you

'He kisses your head and Dr. Craig comes back with the ultrasound machine'

Dr. Craig: Okay, let's take a look. Lay back for me, please

'You lay back and close your eyes, hoping for good news'

Dr. Craig: And there they are

You: What?!

Dr. Craig: You're pregnant y/n

You: Wow

Tom: How far along is she?

Dr. Craig: Just shy of 2 months

You: Thank you so much

Dr. Craig: You're very welcome. There's one thing though

You: Yeah?

Dr. Craig: I want to see you every 3-4 weeks until the baby is born. Since this wasn't really supposed to happen, I want to make sure the baby and you stay healthy and safe for the next 7 months

You: Okay, thank you

Dr. Craig: Of course, I'll see you in a few weeks

You: Yes, you will

'You schedule an appointment before you leave. In the car, you just can't stop thinking about what you're going to do'

Tom: Hey, you okay?

You: ...yeah, of course

Tom: What's wrong?

You: Where are we going to raise this baby?

Tom: Wherever you want

You: We can't raise them on a set Tom

Tom: ...That's what you meant

You: I want this baby to have the best life, and for it to be nothing like mine

Tom: It won't be, I promise. No one is ever going to be good enough for them

You: So, I guess we can finally tell everyone

Tom: Yeah, we can. How do you want to do it?

You: What if we do care packages for your parents and Kristen and Harrison, so if they ever watch the baby they have stuff?

Tom: I love it. What about my brothers?

You: We can give them onesies that say something to with being an uncle

Tom: Amazing. Want to go shopping now and we can have everyone over for dinner?

You: Yeah, I love that idea

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