Part 40

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'A week goes by and you're all having a great time, but it's almost the big day'

You: Hey Tom

Tom: Hi shortie. What's up?

You: Well, I have to leave here before you

Tom: Why?

You: I scheduled to pick my dress up on the 29th

Tom: That's two days before we leave though

You: Yeah, I know. I'm sorry...

Tom: Do you want me to come too?

You: No, you can't see the dress till the big day, it's bad luck

Tom: Alright, fine. But can you please bring someone with you?

Kristen: I'm going with her, and so is your mom

Harrison: Wait, you're leaving me too?

You: Looks like it's going to be a house full of sad boys when we leave

'You all laugh, and you go sit on Tom's lap and whisper'

You: But I can't wait to be Mrs. Holland

Tom: I can't wait either

You: Not to be rude, but can you two go anywhere else?

Kristen: Yeah. Come on Harrison

'You follow them to the door and lock it behind them. You turn around to go back to Tom, but he's right behind you. So, you jump up and wrap your legs around his waist. He carries you over to the bed'

You: Want to play along?

Tom: You know me too well

You: Good thing

'When you finish playing along, you snuggle up to Tom, and pulls you close'

Tom: Don't ever leave me

You: I won't, promise

'You both fall asleep. What feels like a few hours later you hear banging and yelling'

You: Can you get it? I'm not covered

Tom: Yeah, I got it, shortie

Harrison: Dude! Open up!

Tom: What do you want Harrison?

Harrison: Your bachelor party!

Tom: What are you talking about?

'You come to the door'

Harrison: Morning

You: Tom and I have plans today

Harrison: So, when can I take him?

You: He's all yours after 2

Harrison: Fine with me

'Harrison runs off'

Tom: You have to tell me about plans

You: We don't have any

Tom: Then why did you say after 2?

'You go lock the door'

You: So, I can have you to myself longer

Tom: Works for me!

'You run and jump up on Tom'

You: I love you so much Tom

Tom: I love you more y/n

'Tom lays you on your back and starts kissing you all over'

Tom: Play along?

You: Oh, yeah, definitely

'It comes close to 2 and you know Harrison will show up again, so you both get dressed'

You: Well, I hope you have fun

Tom: I hope they don't do anything stupid

You: It's Harrison, it's going to be stupid. Just as long as you don't do anything stupid, we'll be okay

Tom: I won't, promise

You: And don't drink too much, tomorrow is a busy day remember

Tom: Yeah, I won't. Promise

You: Love you Spidey

'He wraps you in a hug and gives you a kiss before the banging starts again'

You: I'll get it

Harrison: Okay, it's 2. He's mine now

You: I know, he's all ready to go

'Harrison grabs Tom and drags him out'

Tom: WAIT!

'He runs back up to give you a kiss'

Tom: Bye shortie, love you

You: Bye Spidey, have fun, but not too much fun

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