Part 82

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'You all get ready for dinner, but before you leave Mrs. Holland wants a picture'

Mrs. Holland: Everyone smush in! You all look great!

You: Alright, let's go eat!

'You bring everyone to the restaurant'

You: Hi, reservation for Holland

Host: How many in your party?

You: 9

Host: Great! You can follow me

'The host brings you to a table outside with an amazing view of the water'

Harry: y/n, stand over there with Tom

Tom: Why?

Harry: It will be the perfect picture! And it will finish up my project!

You: Project?

Harry: I'll explain later, just stand there and do your thing

Tom: Do you just want us standing?

Harry: Sure, I don't care

'Right before Harry snaps the picture, you give Tom a kiss'

Harry: Come look!

Tom: It's amazing Harry

Harry: Just wait till I finish the whole thing

You: I can't wait to see it

Harry: I can't either. It's a mix of pictures from the beginning of your relationship to now

Tom: Really?

Harry: Yeah! You guys will love it, promise

You: I'm so excited

'You go back to the table and order your meals'

Harrison: Thank you for this weekend y/n

Kristen: Yeah, it was a good break

Sam: And a lot of fun

Tom: It was a great replacement for our honeymoon

Harry: Wait, we all went on your honeymoon?! Gross...

You: We didn't have one, because you know, but I wouldn't want to not have you guys here

Paddy: Well, I'm glad you invited me

You: Me too, you made it even more special

'You get the check and head out'

Harry: We might want to go a different way to the bus

You: Why?

Sam: I think Tom's fans finally caught on

Harrison: But how? None of us posted

Tom: That never seems to matter. Okay, we'll turn around and go the long way. Just try to keep a low profile

'He grabs your hand, Harrison grabs Kristen's, and Sam puts Paddy on his back'

Tom: Alright, let's move

'You start to go around and the crowd is way bigger this way'

Tom: We'll just go through them

You: Are you sure?

Tom: Yeah, I'm good at it. Okay, Kristen, you take y/n's hand, Harry you grab Harrison's, and Sam you take Harry's. Everyone stay close!

'Tom pulls you all through the crowd. There is flashing and screaming all around you. You're so overwhelmed you squeeze Tom's hand so tight that he squeezes back and walks faster'

Tom: It's okay, we're almost there shortie

'You get through the crowd and onto a bus'

Harrison: Is this the right bus?

Tom: Don't think so

You: It's fine. We can get off at one of the hotels and backtrack

'You get off the bus at the first hotel and try to backtrack to your hotel'

Kristen: If we get on this bus, it will take us to the Contemporary Resort

You: And then we can hop on the monorail to our hotel

Harrison: Sounds great!

Harry: Let's get going then

Tom: Do you want me to take Paddy, Sam?

Sam: Yes, please

'Tom grabs Paddy and holds him like a baby. He carries him on the bus, sits him on his lap, and you all start your trek back'

You: We made it back, all in one piece!

Kristen: It was a little shaky for a bit

Sam: Here, I'll put Paddy to bed

'You all head to bed because your flight is early in the morning'

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