Part 24

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'You arrive at the doctor's office and he squeezes your hand tighter than he usually does'

You: Spidey, you're going to be okay. I'll be right there, holding your hand, I promise

'You both head into the room and wait for the doctor to come in. When he does, he assures Tom everything will be fine. You grab his hand and the doctor begins. They take about an hour to take out since there was so many of them'

Doctor: Alright, they're all out!

You: Thank you for everything

Doctor: Of course. Just ease into things and I'll see you again in 2 weeks

Tom: Great, thank you, sir

You: Ready to head home Spidey?

Tom: Yes, please

'You drive Tom home and he heads upstairs before you. When you get upstairs you see him looking at his scar. You stand next to him and lift up your shirt'

You: See?

'You kiss his head and grab his hand'

You: It's not bad at all. Once we keep cleaning it and the swelling goes down, it will look like mine

Tom: Thank you, y/n

You: For what?

Tom: Taking such good care of me this past month

You: Of course, Tom. We're getting married, I have to learn how to be there for you too

'He kisses you and wraps you in a hug'

Tom: Want to watch a movie?

You: Sure, you can pick

'You head to Tom's bed, snuggle up in him, and lay your head on his chest. He picks an old movie you haven't seen in a while'

You: Monster's Inc??

Tom: Yeah! I wanted a break from Marvel

You: I love it

'When the movie finishes you realize Tom fell asleep, so you quietly sneak downstairs'

Harry: Hey, how's Tom doing?

You: He's currently sleeping, but I think he's worried

Harry: About what?

You: It not looking as discrete as mine is

Harry: Why is he so worried?

You: I'm not sure. I wish I knew though

Harry: He might not want to upset you

You: Well, can you ask him about it? I know he'll tell you

Harry: Yeah sure, I'll ask him later

You: Thank you, Harry. I owe you big time

'Harry heads upstairs to go to bed. You stay downstairs and turn on the TV. Before you know Tom is waking you up on the couch'

Tom: Hey shortie, why don't you head upstairs to bed?

You: Yeah, okay. I'll see you in a few hours

Tom's POV

Harry: Morning Tom!

Tom: Hey Harry. Do you know why Y/n was on the couch?

Harry: Well last night she came down, we talked for a bit and I went to bed. I assumed she'd go upstairs too, but I guess she didn't

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