Part 7

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Your POV

You wake up the next morning on Tom, you realize he's still sleeping, so you slip into the bathroom.

You think: Does Tom really like me that much that he would take a punch for me and let me sleep on him? What is I like Tom? What am I going to do if he asks the question? Do I say yes?

You hear a knock at the door

Tom: Hey, can I come in?

You: Uhh yeah sure

Tom: I just wanted to let you know breakfast is ready

You: Oh great, let's go! I'm starving

You both head downstairs to get some breakfast. You quickly grab food and go sit outside. A few minutes later Tom Comes out concerned.

Tom: Hey, what's going on?

You: Oh nothing, I'm fine

Tom: Y/n. I haven't you long and I know there is something wrong

You: Tom, have you seen your eye?

Tom: Yeah, how could I miss it?

You: I feel like that's my fault, considering it wouldn't have happened if I wasn't here

Tom: It's not your fault I promise. Harry's just jealous of me and what I have

You: And you have me?

Tom: Well, no, not yet, but I'm hoping to one day

You: Are you saying you're going to ask me to be your girlfriend?

Tom: I hope to one day, yeah

Before he finishes you lean in and kiss him

You: Why have you waited?

Tom: Because I know you like slow and steady

You: Well, I respect that. Thank you

Tom: So how would you like to go on another date with me tonight? I'll even buy you another dress!

You: You're so sweet. I'll go on a date with you, but I'm not letting you buy me another dress

As you're getting ready Tom walks in asking for your help

Tom: Hey Y/n, I need your help

You: Sure Tom, what's up?

Tom: Can you make my bruise go away?

You: Oh yeah! I do it for my friend all the time, but for other bruises

You give him a wink

Tom: Oh, those bruises?

You: Ahaha yeah. Come here so I can help. Sit down, you're too tall and I need to be eye level with you

You hide the bruise and you feel proud of yourself. Before you know it, Tom leans in and kisses you

Tom: I'm sorry, you're just so pretty

You: It's okay. It's a good thank you

Tom: Are you ready to go?

You: Umm no. I still have to finish my hair and makeup

Tom: You stopped to help me?

You: Yeah, why not? I should be done in like 10

Tom: Okay, I'll be downstairs!

You finish getting ready and head downstairs. You see Harrison and Kristen in the kitchen

Kristen: Holy hotness! You look amazing!

Harrison: Tom is one lucky guy to have you!

You: Thank you, but Harrison we aren't dating

Harrison: ...Not yet!

Tom: Y/n! Wow you look amazing

Kristen: Have fun you two!

You: Tom where are we going?

Tom: It's a surprise!

Tom gets you in the car and drives you up to the mountains. Once he parks the car, you see a waterfall.

You: Tom, where are we?

Tom: My favorite place in the world, until I met you

You: And that is where?

Tom: You see that waterfall? Right behind it. Let's go!

You get behind the waterfall and stand there in aww

You: Tom this is beautiful

Tom: I know right, you're the first person I've brought up here

You: Why do I think you're lying?

Tom: I don't know, because you're the only one. Not even Harrison has been here.

You: Well, I'm honored

Tom: Good because I want to ask you something

You: What?

He grabs you're your hands and turns you to face him

Tom: Will you be my girlfriend?

You: Tom, I would love to be your girlfriend!

Tom: Wait really?!

You: Yeah! You're a keeper in my book! But you must know something

Tom: What? Should I be scared?

You: Oh no! I was going to tell you that I'm high maintenance, Ahaha

Tom: Oh, I think I'll be okay

You and Tom walk back to the car and head home for dinner

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