Part 58

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'You didn't do well while Tom was gone. You didn't really eat, didn't really sleep, and were really spacey and out of it'

Kristen: Hey, breakfast is ready. I need you to eat, or your doctor's appointment tomorrow won't go as you hope

You: Okay, I'll be right down

Kristen: Do you want me to help?

You: Sure, why not

Kristen: Has your pain gone down at all?

You: Yeah, I just don't trust my balance on stairs yet

Kristen: I get that. We'll take them slowly

'Kristen helps you down the stairs and slides a plate to you'

Kristen: Please eat

You: Thank you, Kristen

'You eat your breakfast and head outside. You sit out there all day, and Harrison brought you some lunch. Kristen and Harrison sat out with you all day, so you weren't alone. Harrison's phone rang after breakfast'

Tom's POV

Tom: Hey Harrison!

Harrison: Tom!

Tom: How's y/n doing? She keeps saying she's okay, but I don't believe her

Harrison: Good thing you don't believe her

Tom: What?! What's going on?!

Harrison: She barely eats, barely sleeps, and I'm pretty sure 95% of the time she's on a different planet

Tom: That's not good. Can you help me with something?

Harrison: Anything, you know that

Tom: I'm able to come home tonight, and I need you to pick me up

Harrison: Send me your flight details and I'll make something up

Tom: Okay, sent them. I'm boarding now, so I should be there in 8 hours

Harrison: See you soon mate

'Harrison hangs up and comes back'

Your POV

Harrison: Hey, why don't we order food tonight?

Kristen: Yeah! y/n, what do you think?

You: Sure. Can we get Italian? I want baked ziti

Kristen: Ooo, I want that too!

Harrison: Italian it is

'A few hours later Harrison orders the food'

Harrison: I'll go pick it up. Kristen, you stay here with y/n

You: Thank you, Harrison

Harrison: I'll be back

'Harrison leaves and comes back almost an hour later. Kristen meets him in the driveway'

Tom's POV

Tom: Kristen!

Kristen: Tom?!

Tom: Shhh! I'm going to surprise y/n

Kristen: She needs you...

Harrison: Big time

Tom: Okay, fill me in

Kristen: I'm going to be as nice as possible when I say this...she might not get the news you want to hear

Tom: What do you mean?

Kristen: Her pain is down, she's walking better, but she hasn't slept, she hasn't eaten much, and she's just off

Tom: Well, that's not good

Your POV

'You hear the door open, so you start to get up'

Harrison: y/n! I'm back!

Kristen: Come get your food!

'As you walk into the house, you pick up your head and see...'

You: Tom?

'You start to cry and slowly walk towards Tom'

Tom: Hi y/n...

You: I missed you so much, Tom. I made a huge mistake telling you to leave

'He wraps you in a hug'

Tom: No, no, shh, shh. I'm here now

You: Please don't leave me again

Tom: I won't, promise. Now let's eat, please

You: Okay

'You all eat dinner and you help clean up. Tom helps you upstairs and onto the bed'

Tom: Hey, we need to talk

You: About?

Tom: You!

You: I told you, I'm fine

Tom: Yeah, and two other people told me otherwise y/n. Just lay it out, it's you and me

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