Part 64

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'You wake up before Tom and start to get ready. John told you they do business casual on set, so everyone knows the important people. You have on a nice pair of pants with a flowing light blue shirt'

Tom: You're going to make me look bad

You: Spidey, I need to make a good first impression. I haven't physically met some people yet

Tom: Alright, fine. I'll put on jeans and a hoodie

You: Seriously? Don't change. I don't even want to wear this

Tom: Fine. Are you ready to go?

You: Yeah, let me just grab my bag

'You grab your bag and head to the set. You start to feel nervous, so you squeeze Tom's hand a little tighter'

Tom: You're going to be great. Today's an exciting day!

You: I know. I just don't want to mess anything up

Tom: You won't. Come on, let's head inside

'You and Tom head in together hand in hand'

You: Why is everyone staring at me?

Tom: They all know what happened

You: How? Did you tell them?

Tom: No, it's not my news to tell. It was on the news

You: Tom, seriously?

Tom: Yes. While you were still in the hospital. The only person I told was John so that he knew why you wouldn't be coming in with me

You: Alright...

John: y/n! Tom!

You: Good morning!

Tom: Hey John

John: I'm so excited you finally get to meet the team!

You: Me too!

Tom: Shortie, I have to go, but I'll see you in a bit. Love you

'He gives you a kiss and runs off'

John: Are you ready?

You: I'm a little nervous, but yes

John: Oh, don't be. Our team is small but mighty

You: Well okay

'John introduces you to everybody. You get added to their group texts and emails. You all sit down and start to go over storyboards'

John: So, y/n, what do you think? You haven't said much

You: Sorry. I've been thinking of this part

John: What about it?

You: I feel like we could do something bigger

John: Like?

You: Well, since he would already be in the spider-man suit, why is he walking in? I think it would look cooler if he swung in or crawled in on the walls or the ceiling

John: That would be cool

You: Wait...really?

John: Yeah! I'll let the director know we're going to change it. When it comes time for that scene, you'll be in charge of how it looks

You: Wow, okay thank you

John: Don't thank me, we gave you this job for a reason. Our team believed you had a great eye and you just proved it

You: I'm honored

'You continue looking over storyboards and putting input on what you think. A few ideas were changed, but you all agreed it needed to happen'

John: Alright, let's get filming

Joe (director): Okay! Everyone let's go! We're ready!

John: Joe you're going to be going over everything with y/n, here

Joe: Oh, yes. I remember you. Tom's girlfriend, right?

You: Tom's wife actually...

Joe: Wow, congratulations!

You: Thank you very much

Joe: Alright, what are we doing first?

'You point to one of the storyboards'

You: So, I think for this one we need to make it bigger. Since Peter is already in the suit, we could have him either web in or crawl in on the ceiling or wall or just another spider thing

Joe: Spider thing?

You: Yeah. Maybe crawl in on something

Joe: Well, let's try both, we'll film them, and then see how it works

You: That sounds amazing. I'll leave you to it

Joe: No, no, I need your eyes too. I can't see what you want

You: Alright. Let's do it

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