Part 97

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'You all change and get to the pool'

Tom: Is that new?

You: Yeah, I got it a few weeks ago. My other one was really stretched out

Tom: I like this one better

You: Thanks

'You all swim for hours'

Mrs. Holland: Hey guys! Dinner's here!

You: What is it?

Mrs. Holland: I ordered pizza, figured it's an easy thing

You: That's fine, I love pizza!

Tom: Me too

Sam: Thanks mom

Harry: And thank you y/n for bringing us here

You: Well, I just missed my boys too much

Paddy: You're cute

Tom: Paddy!

You: It's okay. I tell him that all the time

Paddy: I'm simply returning her compliment

'You all laugh and eat dinner. You head up to take a shower and stop at the mirror in the bathroom just looking at yourself. You let out a tear and Tom comes in just in time'

Tom: Hey...what are you doing?

You: Nothing, just heading to shower

Tom: You haven't showered yet? It's been like 15 minutes

You: Sorry, I'm going...

Tom: It's alright

'Tom leaves and you take a shower. When you're done Tom heads in, and you stare out the window lost in thought'

Tom: Hey

You: Hi

Tom: Are you okay?

You: ...yeah

Tom: You hesitated

You: I'm sorry

Tom: You have nothing to be sorry for

You: Yes, I do

Tom: Oh yeah? What?

You: Not being able to start our family, my family constantly screwing things up, my horrible scars all over me—

Tom: We will start our family a different way, your family has only made us stronger, and I already told you, the scars don't bother me

'You break down in tears and Tom pulls you close'

Kristen: Hey— she okay?

Tom: Right now, no, but I think she will be soon

Kristen: Well, I'll come back then

Tom: We'll be down soon

'Kristen leaves and you look up at Tom'

You: I've been thinking and I want to tell your family

Tom: Tell them what?

You: I can't have kids. They all keep asking when we're going to have one

Tom: What do you tell them?

You: That I'm not ready for one and then I change the subject

Tom: So, you're ready to tell them?

You: I think so, but if I'm not, you'll be there to talk for me

Tom: Alright. Why don't we tell them now while everyone's here?

You: Okay...

'You and Tom head downstairs and gather everyone on the couch'

You: Okay, I'm going to tell you all something very personal, and I need you to not freak out

Tom: Ready?

'They all nod, and you take a deep breath'

You: I've been lying to you all about me not being ready for a baby

Kristen: What?

You: The truth is, I've been ready for a baby ever since I met Tom, and—

Paddy: Are you pregnant?

Harry: Wait...

You: I'm not pregnant because I can't have a child anymore

Harrison: What do you mean anymore?

You: When my dad shot me on our wedding night, he hit all of my reproductive organs

Tom: Causing her to have an inhospitable environment for a child

'You can see everyone start to cry'

You: I'm sorry I've been lying to you all, but I promised myself no more secrets to anyone

Harrison: What are you going to do?

Tom: Hopefully either give a child a home or use a surrogate mother

You: There's plenty of options for us, don't worry

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