Part 113

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Tom: Hey, take my hand. Squeeze it as hard as you need

'You grab his hand, step out of the car, and give him a kiss'

You: Thanks Spidey

Tom: Alright everyone, let's go

'You walk down the carpet stopping every once in a while, to take pictures'

Tom: Hey, they want to interview us. Are you ready?

You: Yeah, let's do it

Interviewer: So, let's start with the question everyone wants the answer to. Are you two dating?

Tom: Well, actually we are a little more than dating...

You: We are married!

Interviewer: Congratulations! Are you expecting?

You: Not yet. We want to wait since our lives are kind of crazy right now

Interviewer: How long have you been married?

Tom: 4 months...almost 5

Interviewer: Are you in London or the states?

You: We have places in both

Tom: So, we decide based on work

Interviewer: Thank you for taking the time to talk with me

You: You're very welcome. I hope you enjoy the movie!

'You smile and walk away with Tom'

You: Kristen, can you come with me?

Tom: Are you okay?

You: I will be, Kristen?

Kristen: Coming

'You take Kristen to the bathroom and you start to pace around and breathe heavy'

Kristen: Hey, give me your hands. In and out okay

'You start to calm down and give her a huge hug'

Kristen: What happened?

You: They asked if I was pregnant...

Kristen: Oh no, I'm so sorry

You: I thought I was okay with it, but when people ask, I just feel like I don't deserve it

Kristen: You will get a child, you will be the best mom, and Tom will be the best dad. Just give yourself some time, we don't need to rush

You: You really think I'll be a good mom?

Kristen: No, I don't think so...I know so

You: Why?

Kristen: Because you've been through so much that you would never let that happen to your child

You: Thank you, for everything

Kristen: You're welcome. Now go out there and hug Tom

'You run out of the bathroom and hug Tom tight'

Tom: Are you okay?

You: I am now

Tom: What happened?

You: I just needed some quiet

Tom: Will you tell me the real reason later?

You: Yes. When it's just you and me

'Tom gives you a kiss and you head in to watch the movie'

You: Geez Tom, relax. You're actually jumping out of your seat

Tom: I'm so excited! I bet you did an amazing job

You: Well, I know you did

Harrison: It's going to be great you guys

Kristen: I can't wait

'The movie starts, and you can see Tom's face light up. His smile goes ear to ear, he grabs your hand and holds it tight. The movie was amazing, and you feel so proud of Tom and yourself. When it finishes Tom made you stay until you were the last ones.'

Tom: That was amazing!

You: You did a great job Spidey

Tom: So, did you! Without you, it would look silly

Kristen: Yeah, you both did a great job

Harrison: My best friends are killing the game!

'You all head home and Tom stops you before the door'

Tom: Hey, come with me

You: Where are we going?

Tom: Somewhere

You: Spidey, I'm in heels though

Tom: We aren't going far

'Tom takes you to a spot a few blocks from the house'

You: Where are we? This is beautiful

Tom: I found this place the first time I came here

You: How?

Tom: I got too stressed out. The pressure went straight to my head. I ran until I got here, it was so peaceful and quiet. Every time I come to LA, I make sure to come here

You: If this is your spot, why did you bring me?

Tom: I want to share my life with you. I want you to know that the pressure of something can be too much to handle, but there's always a way out of it

You: How did you know?

Tom: You did the same thing in court

You: Right...

'He wraps you in a hug and gives you a kiss'

Tom: You don't have to run from me. I know what it feels like shortie

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