Part 78

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'You finish up and put everything away'

You: Everyone ready?

Everyone: YEAH!!

You: Then let's go!

'You head to the airport in an Uber, so you don't have to pay to park'

Tom: This isn't where we fly from...

You: It is for normal people Spidey. This weekend, we're all normal people

Tom: I'm not normal—

You: Mrs. Holland!

Mrs. Holland: y/n! Tom!

Tom: My parents are coming?

You: And your brothers!

Harrison: This plane is going to hate us

Kristen: You just don't know how to act

You: So, we'll teach you

'Everyone walks in together. You check your bags and head to the gate'

Tom: Can you please tell me where we are going?

Harrison: Please?

You: Alright. We're spending the weekend in Florida, but that's all I'm saying

Kristen: Wait—

You: Nope, you're not ruining my surprise

Tom: How does she know?

You: She's from America Tom, you're not

'You all board the plane, and you can see Tom start to fidget'

You: What? You don't like the normal life?

Tom: No, I really don't. I feel like everyone's staring at me

You: They are

Tom: What?!

You: Oh my god, I'm joking with you Spidey

Tom: Oh, sorry

You: It's okay

Harry: y/n, where are we going?

You: Florida

Paddy: Okay genius, where in Florida?

You: We'll be landing at Orlando International Airport in a few hours

Sam: That's not helpful

You: Alright, look. When we get off the plane and onto a bus, you'll know where we're going

Tom: And what if you're dumb like me?

You: You'll pick up on it trust me. I can't keep my secret once we land

'You're sitting between Harry and Tom. Your head was on Tom's shoulder the whole flight, all while holding hands. The plane lands and you all grab your bags and head to the bus'

Paddy: We're going to Disney!?

You: You got it, Paddy!

Tom: Yeah, let's bring spider-man to Magic Kingdom to be normal

You: Duh. Come on!

Tom: You totally missed my sarcasm!

You: No, I didn't!

'The bus takes you to Disney's Polynesian Resort. While everyone admires the views, you check everyone in'

You: Everyone give me your bands!

'You head to the front desk'

Cast member: Aloha! Are you checking in?

You: Yes. The last name is Holland

Cast member: Perfect! How many bands would you like to use as the room key?

You: How many can I do?

Cast member: As many as you need

You: Okay, I would like to do 9, please

Cast member: Of course! May I have the bands?

'You hand her the bands and Kristen comes over and whispers'

Kristen: Are you almost done? Tom's getting antsy

You: Yes. This nice lady is programming out bands now

'The lady finishes and hands the bands back'

Cast member: You're all set. Your room number is 618. The elevators are straight down this way, and your room will be at the end of the hallway!

You: Great. Thank you so much

Cast member: Have a great trip, and welcome home!

'You go back to the group and give everyone their bands'

You: Let's head up!

'You all pile in the elevator and up to the room. When you get inside, they all stand there completely speechless'

Tom: How did you afford this?

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