Part 18

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Tom's POV

Tom: Hello there! Can I help you?

Jacob: I know she's here, so cut the crap

Harrison: Tom? Oh, hey who are you?

Jacob: I'm y/n's brother. And I need to see her

Tom: Why? Why do you need to see her?

Jacob: That's none of your business

Your POV

'You slowly walk down the stairs because you know what's going to happen'

Jacob: I'm only going to ask you once

Tom: And I'm not telling you!

Jacob: Then I'll go through you!

You: STOP! I'm right here

'You come around the corner and Tom runs to your side'

Jacob: Wow, you look great! But this boy is bothersome

You: This boy has a name you know

Jacob: Well are you going to tell me?

You: No, I'm not because you already know. What are you even doing following me around?

Jacob: I don't know, maybe can an invite

You: To my wedding?! Absolutely not!

'Tom looks at Jacob's hands and starts to panic for you'

Jacob: I'm your brother. I deserve an invite

You: You deserve nothing from me!

'As you and your brother go at each other Tom keeps his eyes on Jacob's hands. Jacob is getting angrier and angrier, so Tom mouths the Harrison'

Tom: Call the cops

'As Jacob get angrier and angrier, Tom steps in'

Jacob: Get out of my way

Tom: I will not

Jacob: Fine!

'Jacob stabs Tom right where you were stabbed 5 years ago. Before Jacob could run out the cops show up and arrest him'

You: Tom, stay awake, please!

Kristen: Oh my god!

Harrison: Thomas! Stay with us mate

'A few seconds later an ambulance arrives and takes Tom. You can't pick yourself up off the floor, you continue crying, you start to hyperventilate and clenching your hands making them bleed again'

Kristen: Hey, you have to stop. Here take this pillow

Harrison: Come here y/n

'Harrison wraps you in a hug, but it doesn't help. You muster up enough energy to get up and head to the car'

You: Well who's driving me?

Harrison: I will come on Kristen

'The three of you drive to the hospital. Harrison asks the nurse what's happening'

Harrison: They don't know when he'll be out, but a doctor will come out as soon as he's done

You: Thank you, Harrison

'Kristen looks down at your hands'

Kristen: y/n, you have to stop, here take my hands

You: I don't want to hurt anyone else tonight

Kristen: You won't. Here

'As your clenching Kristen's hands, a doctor walks out and call's Tom's name. You, Kristen, and Harrison rush over to the doctor.'

You: How is he doing?

Harrison: Is he going to be okay?

'The doctor explains everything and that he's still unconscious but if you wanted to see him go one at a time.'

Kristen: Hey you go. Harrison and I will stay here

Harrison: Yeah, take as long as you need

'The doctor leaves and you sit next to Tom and grab his hand'

You: Hey Spidey, I don't know if you can even hear me, but I want to thank you. I didn't think you would stand in the way and you did. I love you so much Spidey, I need you more than I thought I ever did

'You feel Tom start to close his hand and see him smile'

You: Spidey?

Tom: Hey clenched your hands, didn't you?

You: I'm sorry

'He looks at you and grabs both of your hands'

Tom: I told you I would protect you

You: I told you he would do this

Tom: And I told you not to worry

'You two go back and forth till Harrison looks in'

Harrison: Hey Tom! I'm so glad you're alright

Tom: I'm okay, thanks for staying

Kristen: We'd do anything for you guys. y/n let's get some air. Harrison, you stay here, please

Harrison: Yeah, I'll keep Tom company

'You and Kristen head outside to the car'

Kristen: How we doing?

You: I'm fine

Kristen: You are not fine, you're all droopy

'You look at Kristen with tears in your eyes. She quickly grabs your hands'

You: It's all my fault. If I hadn't told my parents if I had just followed my gut!

Kristen: You weren't going to tell your parents?!

You: No! I wasn't going to and Tom gave me the confidence to, but I wasn't smart enough to realize my parents don't just come for visits unannounced.

Kristen: You think they came just to get Jacob?

You: Yeah, I do. As far as I knew he was getting help, what I didn't know was he was getting help in LA

'You and Kristen talk till you calm down and head back into Tom's room'

You: Hey Spidey

Tom: Hey shortie. So, when can I go home?

Harrison: I'll go ask, y/n you stay here

'As Harrison leaves you sit down next to Tom and lay your head on his shoulder'

Tom: Are you okay?

You: Do I have to answer? You already know I'm not

Tom: Then tell me what's going on

You: I don't really want to talk about it right now maybe later

Tom: Whenever you're ready shortie. I love you

You: I love you too Spidey

'Harrison comes back with the doctor'

Doctor: So, Thomas, you can head home tomorrow morning. We want to keep you overnight just as a precaution

Tom: Okay, thank you for everything

Doctor: Of course. Also visiting hours are ending in 10 minutes but you can pick Thomas up around 9 tomorrow

Harrison: Thank you, doc

You: So, I'll see you tomorrow morning!

'You all leave and head back to Tom's place. You find Harry sitting on the couch'

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