Part 127

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'You sit with Sam for a while waiting for him to calm down'

You: Hey, how ya feeling?

Sam: Better, but did you see the way they looked at me?

You: Yeah, what are you getting at?

Sam: That's one of the reasons I didn't want to tell them

You: Sam, they care about you...a lot

Sam: I know, but you don't see them having all these issues I do

You: Actually, I have seen it

Sam: What?

You: While Tom and I were still filming, right before we went to Disney, Tom had them too

Sam: He did?

You: Yeah. It was my family's fault. He was worried they would do something to me

Sam: How did he deal with it?

You: Well, we went to Disney and he talked to a bunch of people

Sam: Oh my god, I just can't talk about it

You: You'll get there, it takes time

Sam: This has been happening for years now, and I just want it to stop

'You give him a hug'

You: It will, we'll work to make it better...together

Sam: Thank you

You: Of course. Let's go get something to eat

'You walk downstairs and grab Sam something to eat and bring it upstairs to him'

You: Here. You need to eat questions

Sam: Okay, thanks

Tom: Hey shortie

You: Hi Spidey

Tom: Hi Sam

Sam: Hey

Tom: How are you doing?

Sam: I'm okay, just a little off

Tom: Well, do you want to talk to someone about it?

Sam: I have y/n and Kristen

Tom: Kristen?

You: Yeah, she was downstairs when we we're talking

Harry: Hey guys!

Sam: Hi

Harry: So, have you told mom and dad yet?

Sam: No, I haven't. I really want to, but I keep chickening out every time

You: What if we all helped you tell them?

Sam: I don't want them to see me like this

Tom: But it's okay for us to?

Sam: You weren't ever supposed to!

Tom: Why not?!

Sam: Because you don't care! You're never here, and you never once cared enough to ask!

Harry: In our defense, you didn't look like you were ever struggling

Sam: So? You still didn't ask

Tom: We didn't think we had to

Sam: How could you? You're always on a set somewhere

Tom: You know that's my job

You: Why don't you all have a calm conversation, and I'll leave

'You walk out and close the door behind you'

Kristen: Hey, how is he?

Harrison: What happened?

You: He'll be okay, Harry and Tom are talking to him

Kristen: Did he break again?

You: Yeah, and I'm not sure what else to do

Kristen: We can try Disney again

You: I don't know, he's much worse than Tom

Harrison: Can you all stop! What is going on right now?!

You: Sam is going through some things

Harrison: Is it because of the whole Katie thing?

You: Not exactly, the Katie thing made it worse

Harrison: Why hasn't he said anything?

You: Every time he thinks about it, he gets a panic attack

Kristen: It's not good Harrison...

Harrison: Where is he?

You: His room with Harry and Tom

'Harrison runs upstairs, and you and Kristen go to the kitchen'

Kristen: I feel horrible

You: Me too, but he has to talk to the boys

Kristen: He won't?

You: No, they keep yelling at each other

Kristen: I think that's how boys talk to each other

You: Maybe, but it's not getting them anywhere

Kristen: To us, that's what it looks like

You: You're right, boys are so strange

Kristen: Has he told his parents?

You: No, that sends him into a huge panic attack. He wanted to tell them today, he stopped me before breakfast. We came back and Harry was panicking because Sam wouldn't open the door

Kristen: Oh my god, I really feel so bad for him

Mrs. Holland: Feel bad for who?

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