Part 76

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Kristen: There's someone here to see you and Tom

You: Who is it?

Kristen: Your mom... She's also got Harrison locked in a room somewhere, and I don't know why or what to do

You: Relax. Tom!

Tom: What?

You: Can you grab me some pants?

Tom: Here, why?

You: You and Kristen need to stay here. The second I shut this door lock it and don't unlock it

Kristen: What about Harrison?

You: I'll find him. Please stay here, I'll handle this

Tom: Please be safe shortie

You: I will Spidey. And please listen to me

Tom: I will, promise

'You give him a kiss and close the door. You walk away when you hear the door lock. You head down to find your mom on the couch'

You: What are you doing here? I don't remember giving you a key

YM: You really think I'd need one?

You: Just tell me why you're here, and where you put Harrison

YM: I'm here because you owe me an apology and you'll have to find him by yourself

You: I will find him, and I don't owe you an apology. If anything, you owe me an apology

YM: You owe me an apology for killing your father

You: You mean the guy who held Tom's family hostage and came at me with a knife...AGAIN!

YM: Yes, he was my husband

You: And I was your daughter...

YM: You still are

You: I am not. I'm married, have my own life, and my own job

YM: You'll always be a y/l/n

You: Not anymore. Legally I'm a Holland now

'You hear the elevator door open'

Officer: Mrs. y/l/n, you are under arrest for the murder of your husband

YM: I didn't do it, she did!

'Then you hear'

Mr. Holland: We have proof that you did, and then planted evidence to put the blame on y/n

Officer: Let's go Mrs. y/l/n

'You see your mother leave and you give Mr. Holland a hug'

You: Okay, Tom and Kristen are upstairs in Tom and I's room. I need to find Harrison

'He heads upstairs and you try to find Harrison'

You: Harrison! Where are you? It's just me!

Harrison: In here! Help! The door is locked!

You: I'll get it, don't worry

'When you unlock the door, he gives you a giant hug'

Harrison: Thank you, y/n

You: Of course. I have to get Tom and Kristen

'You run upstairs and find Mr. Holland'

Mr. Holland: He won't let me in

You: I got it. Hey Spidey, open the door, she's gone

'He opens the door, and you jump on him and give him the biggest hug'

Tom: Are you okay?

You: I am now

Kristen: Where's Harrison?

Harrison: I'm right here Kristen

Kristen: Oh thank god

'Now both of you are hugging your boys tight'

Mr. Holland: I'm going to head home

Tom: We'll walk you out dad

'You and Tom walk Mr. Holland to the elevator'

You: Thank you for everything Mr. Holland

Mr. Holland: Of course. I'm a lawyer for a reason

Tom: See ya later dad

'He heads out, and you're still holding Tom tight'

Tom: It was your mom, wasn't it?

You: Yeah. She locked Harrison in a closet for whatever reason, then waited in our living room

Tom: Are you okay?

You: Never better. You're here, Kristen and Harrison are safe, and my mom's going to jail

Tom: I love you y/n y/m/n Holland

You: And I love you Thomas Stanley Holland

'You give him a kiss and head back up to Kristen and Harrison'

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