Part 111

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You: Hey Spidey! I'm back

Tom: Hi shortie! I missed you

You: I missed you too

Tom: Do you girls love your dresses?

Kristen: Yes. And thank you so much for buying it

Tom: You're welcome. It was my thank you to you

Kristen: How did we get so lucky?

You: I'm not sure, but I'm not complaining

Harrison: Hey guys!

Kristen: Harrison!

Harrison: Can I see your dress?!

Kristen: Yeah! Come on!

'Kristen drags him upstairs and you just laugh'

Tom: Can I see yours?

You: Nope...

Tom: Why?

You: Because I want to see your surprised face

Tom: Like when you walked down the aisle?

You: Exactly Spidey. That's my favorite look on you

Tom: Well, if you keep surprising me then you'll always see it

You: Great

'You walk away hoping Tom will follow you. He does and grabs you by the waist'

You: Spidey!

Tom: Come on!

You: Where are we going?

Tom: Swimming!

'He jumps in the pool still holding on to you'

You: Tom!

Tom: What? You know you love me

You: You're right, but—

Tom: But?! There shouldn't be a but

'Just as he finishes you push him underwater and start to swim away. Tom catches you and pulls you close'

Tom: You can't get away that easy

You: I tried, and that's what counts

Tom: You're so cute. You do know that?

You: I do, you make sure to tell me all the time

Tom: I can't let you forget

You: I never could...

'You start to kiss, and Tom pulls you closer'

Harrison: Seriously, get a room

'You smile at Tom and swim to the edge'

You: Okay, just help me out, please

'You take Harrison's hand and pull him into the pool'

Harrison: y/n!

You: Oops...sorry...

Harrison: You're definitely not sorry

You: No, I'm not. That was funny

Kristen: Harrison why are you in the pool?

You: I pulled him in

Kristen: Okay...why are you in the pool

Tom: I grabbed her and jumped in

Kristen: Well okay. Dinner's at 7 so you have 2 hours to get ready

Harrison: Where are we going?

Kristen: Mrs. Holland said it was a surprise

Tom: Darling, where are we going?

You: I don't know...

Kristen: The other Mrs. Holland

Tom: Ooh, that makes more sense!

You: Oh Spidey. Come on, let's go dry off

'You head upstairs and take a shower'

Tom: Can I join you?

You: Of course, you can

'You both wash off and before you know Tom's kissing all your weak spots'

You: Game on Spidey?

Tom: Only if you want to...

You: Let's do it

'You finish up in the shower and start to get ready for dinner'

You: Spidey?

Tom: Yes shortie?

You: Is your family actually going back to London?

Tom: That's their plan. Paddy has to get back to school

You: So, they never actually moved here?

Tom: They did. My parents think it's best for the boys to go back with their friends

You: Do you want to go back to London?

Tom: I do, but with work, it's better to be here

You: Are you only saying that because I did?

Tom: Maybe...

You: Tom, you know I'm willing to go between both when I need to. I love London and you, so I know you'll be happier in London

Tom: Are you okay with that?

You: Yes. I'll have you. You might want to tell Harrison

Tom: Why me?

You: You're his best friend Spidey

'You finish getting ready and head down to meet everyone'

Harrison: Okay Mrs. Holland, we're all ready

Mrs. Holland: Great, let's go!

'You pile into cars and have a great dinner. You all went to bed when you get home'

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