Part 65

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'You finish up your first day on set, and it went perfectly'

You: You did amazing!

Tom: So, did you! I'm so proud of you shortie!

'He gives you a kiss and grabs your hand'

John: Hey y/n!

You: Yeah?

John: You can wear casual clothes from now on

You: Are you sure? I don't mind dressing up

John: Well, you just move all day and really get into it. It will be easier to do your job if you can move around

You: Okay. Thank you. Have a good night

'You and Tom walk to your car. Tom starts to drive'

You: Where are we going?

Tom: Robert showed me this amazing apartment

You: Tom...

Tom: Don't worry, we could buy it not rent it

You: Are you sure you want to do that?

Tom: Yeah, then everyone can come to visit whenever they want to

You: Okay, I'll keep an open mind on it

'You get to the building and get out'

Tom: Come on, let's go

Bellman: Hello, how can I help you?

Tom: Hi, we're here to see an apartment

Bellman: Last name?

You: Holland

Bellman: Oh yes, Robert mentioned you would be stopping by. It's on the 18th floor, here's the key for the apartment

Tom: Thank you very much

'You and Tom head up to the apartment. When the elevator door opens, your jaw drops'

You: Tom...this is beautiful

Tom: Yes, it is. It's even better in person

You: How much does it cost?

Tom: I don't know. Let me call Robert. You keep looking around

'Tom heads outside and you keep looking around'

Tom's POV

Tom: Robert...she loved it

Robert: I knew she would!

Tom: So, how much is it?

Robert: It's yours

Tom: I'm sorry...what?

Robert: It's one of my places I don't want anymore, so I wanted to give it to someone who needed it

Tom: Thank you so much, Robert. I owe you

Robert: Just make me a godfather, and we'll be even

Tom: I'll try my best. See you tomorrow

'Tom hangs up with Robert'

Your POV

You: So, how much is it?

Tom: It's ours if we want it

You: What?

Tom: Robert doesn't want it anymore, so he's giving it to us

You: That's great, but we have to give him something

Tom: He said to make him a godfather, and we'll be even

You: That's easier said than done Spidey

Tom: I know. We'll find a way, don't worry

You: I can't wait to live here

Tom: Me too

'You head back to the hotel, and you lay on the bed waiting for Tom. While you're waiting you fall asleep and wake up a few hours later with Tom nowhere to be found. You walk into the bathroom to find a note on the mirror for you'

It read: Shortie, I hope you packed your super nice clothes. Get changed and meet me downstairs at 8. Love, Spidey

You: Well good thing I brought that dress

'You change into your dress and freshen up your hair and makeup. When you finish you head downstairs and find Tom'

Tom: You fixed the dress?

You: No, I had it altered so you can't see the hole. I had it deep cleaned first though

Tom: I love it. Come on!

You: Spidey, where are we going? There are no waterfalls around here

Tom: Yeah, that's okay. I'm bringing you someplace else

You: Where?

Tom: It's a surprise!

'You get in the car and start driving. You grab Tom's hand and hold it tight'

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