Part 119

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'You head home but stop before the door. You want to go in, but you just sit in front for a while. Eventually, you just call Tom'

Tom: Where are you?

You: Out front. I can't come in...

Tom: Give me 5 minutes

'He hangs up and comes down. He sits next to you and goes to grab your hand. You pull it away and just look at the ground'

You: I thought you understood...

Tom: I do understand

You: If you did you wouldn't have pushed

Tom: I pushed because I want you to be happy

You: Do I look happy Tom?

Tom: No, you don't. I'm sorry...

You: It's fine. You just go too far sometimes, and yes, I do too, but you handle it better

Tom: You don't go too far, even if you did your smile makes me feel so much better

You: I just want to be like a normal person...

Tom: You married me, there's no more normal

You: I meant someone with stability...mentally

Tom: Well, we can go talk with someone if you think it will help you

You: I've tried that already, it doesn't help

Tom: I'm sorry. Do you want to stay at my parent's house? I can leave you alone for a while

You: No, I can stay here. And I don't want you to leave, I just want you to back up a bit

Tom: I think I can do that for you

'You reach for his hand and give him a kiss'

You: Let's go in. I need your sweatshirt

Tom: You can have as many as you want

'You both go upstairs, and Kristen runs up to you'

Kristen: Please don't do that again

You: I'm sorry

Kristen: I know you are, and it's okay. We all need our space sometimes

You: Did I ruin your movie day?

Harrison: Actually no, you didn't

You: That's good

Kristen: Why didn't you want to watch movies with us?

You: It's just hard for me to be in here

Harrison: Why?

Tom: You never told them

Kristen: Tell us what?

You: Do you remember the night Tom ran out of his parent's house?

Kristen: Yeah

You: He was coming here

Harrison: What? Why?

Tom: I was saving y/n

Kristen: From?!

You: My parents

Harrison: What did they do?

Tom: They had her tied to a chair, forced to stay silent

You: If I said anything, they were going to kill me

Kristen: I'm so sorry

Harrison: That explains what you were talking about last night when we got back

You: Yeah, so I'm sorry if I'm a little spacey

Kristen: Don't be. I would be too

You: We can watch a movie now

Harrison: That sounds great!

Tom: Let's watch Civil War!

Kristen: You only want to watch yourself

You: No, if he wanted to watch himself, he would've picked Far From Home

Tom: Yeah, you know me too well

'You all gather on the couch and you lean upon Tom. You cover you and Tom with a blanket. You're asleep before the movie even starts'

Tom's POV

Kristen: How's she doing?

Tom: She's kind of upset with me

Harrison: What did you do?

Tom: I keep pushing her to do things, and to not be afraid. But I'm pushing too much and she lost it on me

Kristen: Why are you pushing?

Tom: I want her to get over the fear of her parents

Kristen: I don't think she ever will. Everywhere we go there's a constant reminder of her horrible past

Harrison: What about Disney?

Kristen: Even Disney. She found her love for Disney because her parents pushed her to the curb

Tom: I just feel worse now

Kristen: Don't, she'll be alright Tom. Just give her some time

Tom: Are you sure?

Kristen: Yeah. I'm a master of her emotions, and you will be too

Tom: Thank you, Kristen

Kristen: Of course. I'm always here to help

Harrison: Should we watch another movie?

Kristen: What about Homecoming?

Tom: Yeah, let's do it

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