Part 142

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Tom: Hey, wake up. You have to get ready for work Ms. Boss Lady

You: I hope this job isn't too stressful

Tom: Well, if it is just give me a call or just step away. You can't be stressed, your body can't take it

You: Yeah, I know. While I'm out though, you should figure out who S is

Tom: I'll call Robert when I drop you off

'You go to get ready and head down for breakfast'

You: Tom, I—

??: He's not here

You: Who are you? And what did you do to Tom?

Susan: I'm Susan and Tom's out with Robert

You: He was here 2 seconds ago

Susan: You just missed them

You: Well, I'm going to be late. I have to go, I'm sorry

Susan: Late?

You: I have a job, that's why we're here. I really need to go. It was nice to meet you Susan

'You get to the car and head to work. You call Tom in the car, but he doesn't answer. So, you call Robert'

Robert: Hey kid, what's up?

You: Is Tom with you?

Robert: No, I'm sorry. He's not

You: But your wife said he was with you

Robert: Susan's right in front of me

You: Oh no...

Robert: y/n? What's going on?

You: I don't know. Some lady was in our apartment, she said her name was Susan, and that Tom was with you. I don't have a good feeling, and I can't be stressed right now

Robert: It's okay, don't worry. I'll head over and figure everything out. Please just keep going with your day, and I got this

You: Thank you. Keep me posted

Robert: I will kid

'Robert hangs up and you head inside'

John: Hi y/n!

You: John! How are you?

John: Great! I think you're really going to like our "finalists"

You: Let's get started! I can't wait to meet them

'You follow John into a room with 6 people that they picked'

John: Okay so we can go in whatever order you want

You: Let's just go right to left

John: I'll lead them in

'You meet with everyone and find a girl you really like'

You: I don't have to go to her house, do I?

John: No, you can call her

You: Okay. Thank you for all your help

John: Of course. I want to show you one of your new offices. You'll have one here and in LA

'John leads you into a giant empty office'

You: This is huge!

John: And it's yours. Your stuff is currently being packed and moved

You: Thank you so much

John: You're welcome. You deserved a promotion

'He hugs you and walks out. You turn your phone on and see a ton of missed call from Tom, so you call him back'

You: Tom!

Tom: Are you okay?

You: Yes, I'm at work. Are you okay? I came down and you were gone

Tom: No, you were gone

You: Tom, I promise you, I never left. There was a woman who said you were with Robert

Tom: I wasn't with Robert

You: Yeah, I know. I called him and I found out the person in our living room wasn't Susan either

Tom: Who was it?

You: I don't know, I had to leave. I had to get to my interviews

Tom: How'd they go?

You: Great, and I got a new office. It's huge!

Tom: That's great! I can't wait to see it. Did anyone see your bump?

You: No. I've got a flowy shirt on to hide it

Tom: Good. The paparazzi would go crazy

You: And I don't need that

Tom: No, you can't be stressed

You: Well, you stressed me out this morning!

Tom: I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to. I'm okay though, I promise. Are you?

You: Yes, I'm okay Spidey

'Tom hangs up and you start to unpack your new office'

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