Part 48

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Tom: Hey, it's time to get going

You: We still have to pack

Tom: No, I did that while you were asleep

You: Okay, let's head out then. I'll go say bye to Kristen and Harrison

'You head upstairs and say goodbye'

Kristen: Please be careful

Harrison: And call us when you get back

You: Okay, promise

'You head back downstairs, and Tom already packed the car'

Tom: Ready to go?

You: Yeah

'You get in the car, and Tom holds your hand the whole ride. You're asleep most of the ride. When you get back to Tom's house you notice something weird'

You: Tom, what's going on at your house? Why are there paparazzi all over your lawn?

Tom: The paparazzi never follow me around here

You: Well, we have a ton of stuff to do today

Tom: It's okay, we'll manage. Good thing we have a garage

'Tom pulls in and you open the garage door. The people make a path for the car and you both wait till the door closes to get out'

You: How long do you think they've been here for?

Tom: I don't even know why they're here

You: Well, maybe the news will say something

'You turn on the TV and the news is filled with pictures of your parents and Jacob'

You: Tom...look...

Tom: What? ...Oh my god

You: I didn't know they were going to court

Tom: Oh, I might have known

You: Tom?!

Tom: I'm sorry. I didn't think my dad was serious about it

You: What is he taking them to court for?

Tom: I want to say some abuse thing. I don't know, my dad's a lawyer for a reason

You: And you're an actor for a reason


A/N: Yes I know that Mr. Holland might not actually be a lawyer in real life, but it works with my story. I didn't go 100% based on their everyday lives, I wanted to change it up and make it my own :)

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