Part 28

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'Tom brings you to his favorite restaurant'

Tom: Here we are!

You: I'm excited, let's go!

'You walk in and Tom says to the host'

Tom: Reservation for Holland

Host: Sure, right this way

You: I love the sound of that

Tom: Good thing we're getting married

Host: Here you go, enjoy

You: Thank you

'You and Tom sit and enjoy dinner. You guys are laughing and talking the whole time. For the first time in a while, things feel normal'

You: This was amazing Tom, thank you

Tom: Anything for you

'You get the check and head to the waterfall'

You: This place really is beautiful

Tom: Yeah it is. Oh, speaking of beautiful, where should we take our save the date pictures?

You: Well considering I just moved here, and you've always been here you can pick

'As you're watching the sunset you sit close to Tom, holding the hand that isn't around you'

You: It really is amazing up here

Tom: It is, but we have to head home

You: Oh yeah! Our stuff came!

'You and Tom head home'

Paddy: Your stuff is already in your room

You: Thank you, Paddy. Such a strong boy

Paddy: Yes, I am!

Tom: Come on!

'You follow Tom upstairs and open the boxes'

Tom: I love them. They look even better than I was hoping

You: What did I tell you? I've got good taste

Tom: You surely do shortie

You: Ready for bed?

Tom: I don't know

You: Come on, I'm not going anywhere

'You grab his hand and drag him to bed. You snuggle up to him and he wraps you in a hug'

You: See? I'm here

'He kisses your forehead and you both drift off. What feels like a few hours later you feel Tom move away and he's yelling, but not for you. He wakes up and looks at you crying'

Tom: What happened?

You: Nothing

Tom: You promised

You: Fine, I hate seeing you like this when you sleep

Tom: Like what?

You: You sweating, yelling, and rolling away

Tom: I rolled away?

You: Yeah, then you started yelling for Kristen

Tom: I was calling her for help, but I didn't know I actually called her

You: Why were you calling for her?

Tom: Because you needed help and I couldn't help you...

'You see Tom start to breakdown'

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