Part 122

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Your POV

'Everyone has boarded the plane and you begin the flight back to London'

You: Do you want to watch a movie?

Tom: Yeah, but first I want to ask you something

You: Sure, what's up?

Tom: What happened last night?

You: Which part do you want to know?

Tom: Before we left

You: With the girl?

Tom: Yeah

You: She tried to tell me I wasn't pretty enough to be your wife and that you deserved someone better than me

Tom: Please don't tell me you believed her

You: I did, and I still do

Tom: Why?

You: Well, Harrison explained it perfectly. You and I always say we don't deserve each other, which is what makes us perfect for each other

Tom: He's my best friend for a reason

You: Yeah, he's a keeper

'Then you hear from behind you...'

Harrison: Yay!

You: Were you listening?

Kristen: No, absolutely not

Harrison: We would never

Tom: You're lying

Harrison: I am, yeah

You: It's okay, it's a small plane

Kristen: So, how bad was last night?

You: Not too bad, Harrison brought you home after her what, 5th or 6 th drink?

Harrison: 6 drinks

Kristen: I'm so sorry

You: Don't be, I love drunk Kristen

Kristen: Really?

You: Yes! She's hysterical!

Kristen: I'm so embarrassed

Harrison: Don't be, you were fine

Tom: I can't back up any statements

Kristen: How many did you have?

Tom: I want to say 6

You: How about 8

Kristen: Tom!

Tom: That explains my massive headache

You: Yeah, you're massively hungover

Harrison: Hopefully your parents don't pick up on it

Tom: They'll kill me

You: Just drink more water, you'll be fine

Kristen: Yeah, we still have like 8 or 9 hours

Harrison: So, that's enough time for at least 7 or 8 water bottles

You: For both of you

Tom: Did anyone recognize us?

You: Not that I can recall

Harrison: But we'll see in a few days

'You all end up falling asleep. A few hours later Tom is waking you up'

You: What?

Tom: Who's this?

'You look at his phone and feel angry'

You: That's her!

Tom: What?

You: That's the girl who said all those horrible things to me

Tom: That explains the picture

You: She posted that?!

Tom: No, it was in my dm's

You: Well, what are you going to do about it?

Tom: Would you be mad if I responded?

You: Depends on what you respond

'Tom writes up a whole paragraph and shows it to you'

Tom: You okay with this?

You: Yes, it's a very nice way of telling her to back off

Tom: Great, hopefully, this doesn't end up anywhere

'He sends the message and pulls you on top of him'

You: What are you doing?

Tom: Snuggling with the most amazing girl

You: You're so cute

'He wraps his arms around you, and you put your head on his chest. You both fall asleep again. Right before the plane lands, Harrison woke you both up'

Harrison: Hey, we're landing soon

You: Yay

Tom: There's that smile

Kristen: Where are we going?

Tom: Well, y/n and I are going to my parent's house, then our beach house

Harrison: We'll go to ours. Then can we join you at the beach house?

You: We would love for you guys to join us

'The plane lands and you go to your houses'

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