Part 139

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'It's been 2 weeks and Tom is picking up Harrison and Kristen. You have an online meeting with John while Tom is out'

You: Hi John

John: Hey. So, I want to go over interviews with you

You: Alright

John: They will be in New York for the next few weeks

You: Do I need to be there?

John: If you can't be here, we can do it over video

You: I wouldn't be able to do it next week. I have a bunch of doctor's appointments

John: That's alright, we can do the video then you can meet the "finalists" in person

You: If that works for you

John: You're the boss now y/n

You: Oh right, sorry. When I talk with you, I forget

John: I was the same way. So, I'll expect to see you in New York in about a week

You: Yes, I'm looking forward to it

John: Alright. Well, talk soon

You: Bye

'You hang up and walk downstairs right as Kristen walks in'

Kristen: OH MY GOD!

You: What?!

Kristen: Is that a baby bump?!

'You laugh a little'

You: Yeah...

Tom: Or it's food, that baby is constantly eating

Kristen: It's so cute, I can't wait to meet them

Harrison: Do you have names yet?

You: If it's a boy, it's going to be Ryker Dominick

Kristen: And if it's a girl?

You: Tom? Did you decide?

Tom: Yeah...I did

Harrison: Well...

Tom: If it's a girl, it's going to be Haylee Kristen

'You see Kristen smiling ear to ear'

Kristen: You're going to give the baby my name?!

Tom: If it's a girl, yes

Harrison: I'm assuming Dominick is Tom's dad

You: Yeah, he's done so much for us

Kristen: Why did you pick me?

Tom: I kept saying and writing the names I wanted over and over, and your name looked and sounded better

You: So, either Ryker Dominick Holland or Haylee Kristen Holland...I love it

'You give Tom a kiss'

Tom: So how was Bora Bora?

Harrison: It was amazing!

Kristen: There was so much to do. Not to mention, it was absolutely beautiful too

You: Maybe we could all go back one day

Harrison: Yeah...with our kids

You: Wait...are you—

Kristen: No, stop that train right now

You: Okay, I'm sorry

Kristen: It's okay. We did talk about having one though

Harrison: We're waiting for your little one first

Tom: Still?

Kristen: We want to see how we do

Harrison: I need to practice before I get my own

You: I didn't know that was an option

'You all laugh, and you get ready to leave'

Kristen: Where are you two going?

Tom: Doctor

Kristen: Weren't you just there?

You: Yes, but she wants to see me every 3-4 weeks until the baby's born. She knows this is going to be hard on my body

Kristen: Alright. Well, see you guys later. Good luck!

'You and Tom get to the office. The nurse takes you back again'

Dr. Craig: Hey guys, how are we?

You: Good

Dr. Craig: I see a little bump there, that's a good sign

Tom: Really?

Dr. Craig: Yeah, it means there's growth. Let's take a look

'You lay back closing your eyes again'

Tom: What's that sound it's making?

Dr. Craig: Those are the heartbeats of the babies

'You quickly sit up'

You: Babies?! Plural!?

Dr. Craig: Yes, it looks like you're going to have twins

Tom: Oh my. Why didn't we know that last time?

Dr. Craig: One of them was too small to see, but they both look very healthy. And you do too, whatever you're doing, keep doing it

You: Okay. If you count eating pizza and chicken nuggets working

Dr. Craig: That's totally normal to have cravings like that

Tom: Even at 2 in the morning?

Dr. Craig: Yup. Twins may cause her to be hungry much more often

You: That's the truth

Dr. Craig: Okay. In 3 weeks when you come back, we might be able to tell the genders!

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