Part 95

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'Your first month blows by with no issues. Sam and Harry started school, Paddy is still in his new school, Harrison and Kristen shopped for their wedding, and Tom is constantly watching'

Harrison: Hey mate! Want to get lunch with me?

Tom: Yeah, why not, I'm hungry

Kristen: You have fun boys

'They leave the house and head to lunch'

Harrison: I promised myself I wouldn't ask this...but are you doing okay?

Tom: I mean I've been better, but in exactly 2 months I can hug her again...

Harrison: You guys are so cute. You know that right?

Tom: She is pretty cute, but I don't deserve her

Harrison: What?!

Tom: She's perfect Harrison. What did I do to deserve her?

Harrison: She asks that all the time...

Tom: She does?

Harrison: Yes! That's why I think you two are just perfect for each other

Tom: Uhh I miss her so much!

Harrison: We'll see her soon, don't worry

'What Tom doesn't know is that John gave everyone 2 weeks to go back home and relax. He also said they could bring people back with you. Kristen is on her way to pick you up from the airport to surprise Tom'

Your POV

Kristen: y/n! I missed you so much!

You: I missed you too! Is Tom home?

Kristen: Nope. Harrison took him to lunch

You: Great! Thank you for watching my boys

Kristen: Anything for you. Oh, is there good news?

You: That will be said later...

Kristen: Fine. I'll tell Harrison to head back

'Kristen drives you to the Holland house. You set up a whole plan to surprise Tom. Your plan starts with a facetime to him'

Tom: Shortie!

You: Hey Spidey!

Tom: I miss you...

You: I miss you too...but hey 2 more months!

Tom: I know, but they'll fly—wait, where are you?

You: Office, I stepped away. Needed to take a breath

Tom: Alright...are you okay?

You: I'm great now that I talked to you. Oh, I have to go, but I love you

Tom: I love you too

'You hang up and see Tom in the kitchen'

Harrison: Hey, you'll see her soon

Tom: How do I keep a brave face?

Kristen: That same way she did


You: By keeping your head up high so the crown doesn't fall


You: Hi Spidey

Tom: Is this real?!

'He looks at Kristen and she smiles and nods. He runs up and spins you around. You wrap your legs around his waist and give him a kiss'

You: I'm as real as it gets

Sam: y/n!

You: Hey!

Harry: Oh my god, my best friend's back!

You: Hi Harry! There should be one more, no?

Tom: He's at school. Wait!

You: What?

Tom: Take my car and pick up Paddy! He's really missed you...

You: Okay, but why your car?

Tom: I'm supposed to pick him up

You: Great! When do I leave?

Harry: ...Right about now

You: I'm hating you all at the moment

'You run out the door and drive to Paddy's school, and you can tell he's had a bad day. He gets to the car and opens the door'

Paddy: Hey Tom, how's—

You: I'm not Tom

Paddy: y/n?!

You: Hey Padster!

Paddy: I missed you so much!

You: I missed you too bud

Paddy: When did you get here?

You: About an hour ago

Paddy: Was everyone surprised?

You: Of course, they were. My favorite was you though

Paddy: Not Tom?

You: Are you kidding? Your face was priceless!

'Paddy runs inside and gives Tom a hug'

Tom: What's this for?

Paddy: For letting y/n pick me up today

Tom: You're welcome bud

Mrs. Holland: Is y/n back yet?

Mr. Holland: y/n!

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