Part 87

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'Jacob leaves and you and Tom head back to work. You finish your day and head home to watch the scenes from the day and try to find something off'

Tom: You doing okay shortie?

You: Yeah, I'm great. Are you okay?

Tom: I've been better. What did you do with the number?

You: I tucked it away somewhere. I kind of want to forget I have it Spidey

Tom: Do you want to tell me where it is?

You: I'll tell you eventually when I'm ready to. I promise

Tom: Fair enough. What are you working on?

You: The scenes from today. Want to see them?

Tom: Sure. Do I look bad?

You: No, you look great. We're going over it to see if we need to make changes

Tom: You're going to make me shoot these again?

You: Maybe, but I haven't found anything yet

Tom: Works for me. Is it okay if I turn on a movie?

You: Yeah, you can do whatever you want. You're an adult

Tom: I wanted to make sure it wouldn't distract you

You: If anything, it might help, but I have one more scene to go through, so I'm almost done

'Tom turns on a movie and you continue working. Tom had picked Tessa up on the couch and started petting her'

Harrison: Hey! What are you guys watching?

You: I'm not sure, ask Tom

Harrison: Tom, what are you guys watching?

Tom: I'm watching Tangled. y/n's working

Kristen: You brought work home again?

You: Yeah, I didn't have a choice

Harrison: What do you mean? You could've left it there

You: No. I have to go through the scenes so if we have to reshoot anything, we can

Kristen: Well, are you almost done?

You: Yes, I have this last scene. Then I'm taking a shower, I stink

Tom: You smell great shortie

You: That's because you're too far

'You finish up the scene and put your laptop and notes on the counter. You head up and shower. When you come out you see Tom'

You: Spidey? I thought you were watching a movie?

Tom: It's over, I didn't start it at the beginning

You: Oh, well I'm heading to relax before bed

Tom: I want to do something first

You: ...okay

'Tom grabs your hands and give you a kiss'

Tom: Here, take this and come with me

'He hands you his hoodie and takes you to the car'

You: Tom, where are we going?

Tom: To watch the sunset. I found a place I know you'll like

You: okay

Tom: Do you trust me?

You: Yes, I do

Tom: Great, then don't be so nervous

'Tom drives to a parking lot and carries you up a mountainside'

Tom: Since there are no waterfalls in New York, I found this instead

You: Tom...this is beautiful

Tom: And we made it just in time for the sunset

'You and Tom enjoy the sunset and head back to the car'

You: Tom

Tom: Yes shortie?

You: Thank you

Tom: For what?

You: That amazing view, and for making me the happiest person in the world

Tom: I would do anything for you shortie, you know that

'Tom drives you home and head off to bed. You wake up and get ready for work'

You: Spidey, are you taking me to work today?

Tom: If you want me to

You: That's not what I asked

Tom: Yes, I'll take you to work Shortie

You: Thank you. We have to leave in 20 minutes

Tom: I'll be right down

You: Are you staying on the set or are you coming back here?

Tom: I'll just stay. I have to look over what I have to do today anyway

You: Okay. I'll make us some food for the drive

Tom: Can you pack yourself extra lunch?

You: Why so you can steal it?

Tom: Yeah!

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