Part 72

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'Right before Tom was supposed to get to work, Kristen calls you from Tom's phone'

Kristen: y/n!?

You: Kristen? What's going on?

Kristen: I think Tom's having another panic attack, but Harrison and I don't know how to help

You: Is he breathing heavy?

Kristen: Yes, and crying

You: Okay, give him the phone

Tom: Hello...

You: Hey Spidey. What's going on?

Tom: I-I-I don't know. I th-thought I was feeling better

You: Hey, hey take a breath. You'll pass out if you don't. Slowly in and all the way out

Tom: ...Thank you

You: That's what I'm here for. Are you still coming to work?

Tom: Yeah. I need to be distracted

You: Okay. I'll let Joe know you'll be a little late

Tom: Thanks, shortie. See you soon

You: Bye Spidey

'You head to Joe to let him know Tom will be late, then head back to your work'

John: Alright. This looks, great guys! So, today y/n and Jenn will be behind the screens, Mike and Ted will be behind the camera's, and I will be with the director

You: Sounds good

John: Let's get started

'About an hour into filming you see Tom sneak in, so you go follow him'

You: I'll be right back Jenn

Jenn: Yeah, I'm good here. Take your time

You: Thank you

'You knock on his dressing room door'

You: Can I come in?

Tom: Yeah, it's open

You: How we doing? Better?

Tom: I don't know. I don't even know what happened this morning

You: Well, you're in a new place, maybe it got the best of you

Tom: Maybe...

You: Want a hug?

Tom: And a kiss?

'You smile and wrap him in a hug. Before you leave, you give him a kiss'

You: 15 minutes Spidey

'You head back out to the screens'

You: Sorry about that. Did I miss anything?

Jenn: No, Joe caught something about 10 minutes ago

You: Oh?

Jenn: And we're still doing it...

You: That's okay

'Your team finishes the scene and it's time for lunch. Before you sit down Robert pulls you aside'

You: Is everything okay?

Robert: I'm not so sure...

You: Is Tom okay?

Robert: Again, not so sure. I'm not good with that stuff...

You: What stuff?

Robert: Boys crying

You: Was he breathing heavy? Like he couldn't catch his breath?

Robert: Yes! That's why I got you!

You: Thank you. I'll be right back

'You sprint to his dressing room and don't bother knocking. You close the door behind you and try to find Tom'

You: Tom? Spidey?

Tom: y/n!?

You: Tom, where are you?

Tom: Bathroom

You: I'm coming in

'You find him sitting on the floor with his head between his knees'

You: Hey, what's going on?

Tom: I really don't know. I want you to help, but I don't know what's happening

You: It's okay, it's okay, shh, shh

'You wrap him in a hug, and he feels different'

You: Tom, why do you feel weird?

Tom: What do you mean?

You: Your back feels different

Tom: Oh, I don't know. Is there something there?

'You lift up his shirt and find cuts all over him'

You: You look like you've been attacked by a dog

Tom: What?!

'He stands up and looks in the mirror'

Tom: How did I get these?

You: I don't know, I've been working. Do you want to talk to Robert?

Tom: Why would I want that?

You: I don't know anything about men

Tom: I guess I can talk with him

You: Or do you want me to call Harrison and leave the room

Tom: Harrison, please

You: Alright, here

'You dialed Harrisons number and went back to lunch'

Tom's POV

Harrison: Hey, what's going on?

Tom: She found them...

Harrison: She found your cuts? How?

Tom: She went to give me a hug, and she felt them. I just played dumb

Harrison: I thought we agreed—

Tom: We did, but I just don't want to worry her right now. We are working

Harrison: You mean she is...

Tom: Yes. Can you drive me to my appointment later?

Harrison: Yes. I'll send the girls off for girls' night

Tom: Thank you, Harrison

Harrison: Now, go to work. You need the money

'He hangs up and heads out to you eating lunch'

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