Part 10

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'You wake up and walk upstairs to see Tom packing your things'

You: Tom? What are you doing? What's going on?

Tom: I think I know why you aren't sleeping and so I'm taking you on a trip!

You: How do you know why I'm not sleeping?

Tom: Harry told me actually, and it makes sense

You: What did he tell you?

Tom: You're afraid of what Harry might do to you. He knows he messed up and he wants you to be happy.

You: You Holland boys really pay attention

'You finish packing and head out. You get a call from your mom, asking you how you're doing. You tell her everything even though Tom is there. You don't tell her about Tom or that you are in London. After you hang up you start crying and won't make eye contact with Tom'

Tom: Hey, you do know I will always be here for you and that I love you right?

You: You what?

Tom: Yeah, I said it, and you don't have to say it back, but I need you to know

You: I love you too!

Tom: Wait, really?

You: Yeah! No one has ever gone through what you have just for me

Tom: What happened to slow?

You: Threw it out after our first date

Tom: Why didn't you tell me?

You: I don't know, I figured I'd just play along

Tom: So, do you want to play along now? We're all alone

You: It wouldn't hurt to play along

'You run-up to your room and do exactly what you said'

Tom: I didn't think you and I would be doing this for a while

You: Me either, but I've also never found someone like you

'You both hang out and relax by the pool to try to get yourself back'

Tom: Hey, how are you feeling?

You: A little better, but I'm also hoping for some sleep

'You both head to bed and before you know it's morning. You wake up to Tom holding your hand'

Tom: Good morning darling

You: Morning, what's the plan today?

Tom: ...I actually have to fly to New York

You: What?! When were you going to tell me this?

Tom: Well the director, Joe, called last night, and you were already asleep

You: So, am I staying here?

'You have a look of fear and horror on your face'

Tom: Hey, hey, hey, no you're not staying here. I was hoping you would come with me

You: Really? I would love to come with you

'You both get dressed and head to the airport. You board the plane and start one of the Captain America movies. You land in New York and Tom gently wakes you up'

Tom: Hey, we landed. Grab your stuff and we can head out

'You get into a limo and arrive at Tom's set'

Joe(director): Tom! It's so nice to see you again!

Tom: Hi Joe! This is my girlfriend Y/n

Joe: Hi y/n, it's nice to meet you

You: Nice to me you too.

Joe: Okay Tom, we don't need you till Monday, so you and y/n have 2 days to settle in from the jet lag and time change!

Tom: Oh great! Thank you, we'll see you on Monday! Y/n, you ready to head to the hotel?

You: Yeah let's go!

'You arrive at the hotel and you decide to take a nap. You wake up to a knock on your door and don't see Tom anywhere. You get up and open the door to find...'

Harrison and Kristen: Surprise!!

You: Harrison? Kristen? What are you guys doing here?

Kristen: We wanted to surprise you to cheer you up!

Harrison: Tom told us why you ran off, what happened between you and Harry, and wanted to make it better!

You: Well thank you guys that means a lot, but it's just me here. I don't know where Tom went.

Harrison: I do, don't worry

Kristen: We're going to keep you company for awhile

You: Where's Tom?

Harrison: He's uh planning something

Kristen: We have to keep it a secret, but I do want to try something with your hair

Harrison: While you ladies do that, I'm off

'Kristen starts your hair and you are so happy she's there. You tell her everything, how Tom told you he loved you, how you've been afraid, and how you might love Tom too'

Kristen: You do?!

You: Yeah, I think I do!

Kristen: Aww you two are so cute

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