Part 99

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You: Spidey, I'm heading to work

Tom: Do you want me to drive you?

You: Not today, you should just get some more sleep. I'll see you later

'You leave and Tom goes back to sleep'

Tom's POV
Tom: Morning guys

Harry: Shush, we're in class

Tom: I'm shocked

Sam: Me too...

Tom: Morning Paddy, how's school?

Paddy: Fine. I wish I didn't have to go

Tom: It's okay. If you need help, let me know

Paddy: Thanks Tom

Harrison: Morning Tom

Tom: Hey. Where's Kristen?

Harrison: She drove y/n to work

Tom: y/n told me she was driving herself

Harrison: Maybe she needed girl talk after last night

Tom: True, I'll bring it up later

Harrison: Your trust issues are flaring again

Tom: I know, I'm just worried about her

Harrison: She can handle herself. You know that. Actually, you've seen it!

Tom: I know. But I've also seen her at her worst...

Harrison: And yet, she's still here

Tom: Shut up

Kristen: Hey guys!

Harrison: Hey Kristen

Kristen: Oh Tom, you're picking her up, right?

Tom: Yeah, I thought I was driving her too

Kristen: She needed to talk, don't worry. It's your job from here on out

Tom: That's alright, last night was stressful

Harrison: Yes, it was. I didn't know she was this bad

Tom: Did you think I was kidding?

Harrison: No, I just thought it was better

Tom: It's not good. It's almost like we've gone backward

Kristen: We haven't, or at least not yet

Harrison: So, how do we stay ahead?

Tom: We keep y/n happy

Kristen: What?

Tom: On the night she was shot I told her I couldn't let him win. She told me as long as she's happy...they lose

Harrison: So, let's keep her happy. Whatever it takes

Kristen: We need to keep her family away from us

Tom: I agree, but how?

Harrison: We can ask your dad!

Tom: He's been building a case against them ever since they first came to London

Kristen: Oh, he can totally help then!

'They go to find Mr. Holland for help'

Harrison: Mr. Holland! We need your help!

Mr. Holland: Sure guys. What's going on?

Harrison: We need to keep y/n's family away from us

Tom: And we know you can help

Kristen: Do you still have a case against them?

Mr. Holland: I do. I have even more against them since New York

Tom: Is it enough?

Mr. Holland: Enough for what?

Harrison: Either put them in jail or keep them away

Mr. Holland: It's enough to make a case, but we're going to need help from Jacob to make it work

Kristen: But—

Tom: It's okay. I'll talk with him. I'll go through her contacts

Kristen: Tom, you can't go through her phone

Tom: Then we tell her about this when she gets home

Mr. Holland: This will only work if she's with us

Kristen: I think she will be. Speaking of...

Tom: Ah! I have to go!

'He runs to the car to pick you up. Tom calls you'

Tom: Shortie!

You: Spidey, where are you?

Tom: I'm like 5 minutes away. I got caught up in a plan

You: It's okay. Are you going to share?

Tom: Yes, and I really think you'll like it

You: Okay. See you soon

'He hangs up'

Your POV

Tom: I'm so sorry I'm late

You: It's okay, I used my extra time to make you something

Tom: Yeah?

You: Yes. So, what's your plan?

Tom: We need to keep you happy and they lose

You: Yeah, where are you going with this?

Tom: My dad has enough against your family to get them away from you

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