Part 27

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'You wake up the next morning with Tom still holding tight'

You: Tom? Spidey, I need to breathe

Tom: Oh sorry

You: It's okay. How'd you sleep?

Tom: Alright

'He can't look you in the eyes'

You: You promised me

Tom: Fine, I keep having these nightmares

You: About what Tom?

Tom: The night Jacob showed up

You: Why though?

Tom: I'm not sure, but in the nightmares, I'm not getting stabbed...

'You feel tears start to fall down your cheek'

You: Tom, I promised you I wasn't going anywhere

Tom: I know, but losing you is my biggest fear and I think I might be too stressed about it

You: You will never lose me, I promise. Now, are you going to be okay for a few hours?

Tom: I should be, why? Am I forgetting something?

You: I'm wedding dress shopping today!

Tom: Oh right! I did remember that!

You: Okay, well Harrison will be with you while I'm gone

Tom: Okay, take my card. I don't care how much it is. If you feel like it's your dress and it makes you feel amazing, buy it. Okay?

You: Thank you, Spidey

'You give him a kiss before you head out'

Kristen: Are you ready?!

You: Uhh yeah, I am!

Kristen: Did Tom give you a budget?

You: No, he said if it made me feel amazing to buy it

Kristen: I wish Harrison will do that for me

'You both laugh'

You: Come on, I'm driving, and Mrs. Holland is meeting us there

'You get to the store and Tom's mom is waiting for you'

Mrs. Holland: y/n! It's so nice to see you!

You: It's nice to see you too! Are you guys ready?

Kristen: Yeah, let's go!

'All three of you walk around and each of you picks dresses they think you'll like'

You: Alright, let's try on some dresses!

'As your trying on dresses, you're not liking any of them. Until you get to a dress Tom's mom picked out'

Kristen: y/n, that's beautiful

Mrs. Holland: You look like you're glowing dear. What do you think?

You: I think I found my dress...

'You had a huge smile on your face holding back the tears. Kristen and Mrs. Holland give you a big hug before you go to change'

You: Here, Kristen, go buy this dress. I don't want to know how much it is

Kristen: Okay, why don't you meet us upfront

You: Alright, I'll be there in 5

'You change out of the dress and bring it upfront'

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