Part 74

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Kristen: The sleepyhead is up!

You: Thank you for starting this. I'll finish it

Kristen: Alright, thanks

'Kristen, Tom, and Harrison all sit on the couch after setting up the table'

Tom's POV

Harrison: What did she say about the cuts?

Tom: She was really accepting. I think she was mad at first, but I don't think she is anymore

Kristen: That's good

Harrison: Am I still taking you?

Tom: No, I think y/n should. You and Kristen can stay here, maybe plan your wedding

You: You should do that!

Kristen: Stop you two. We already planned it...

Tom: What? When?

Harrison: On the plane here

Tom: So?

Harrison: It's going to be October 15th in London

Tom: I'm so happy for you guys

Kristen: Thanks. We wanted to make sure you and y/n made the right choice before we do

Your POV

You: Dinner's ready! Come eat!

Tom: This smells and looks amazing

You: Thanks. You need to eat before your appointment, no questions

Tom: Can you drive me? Harrison was going to, but he double booked himself

You: Of course, I'll drive you

Harrison: I think I understand why this is Tom's favorite

Kristen: Yeah, this is delicious

Tom: Well, my mom used to make it. But y/n makes it better

You: Thanks, guys. I'm self-taught if you could believe it

Kristen: I can

You: Shut it you

Tom: What?

You: I'll explain later in the car

'You all enjoy dinner. Kristen helps you clean as Tom gets ready to go'

Tom: Ready?

You: I have to grab a sweat—

Tom: Already got you one shortie

You: Thanks Spidey

'You grab your bag and the keys. Tom grabs your hand and you head out'

You: See you guys later!

Kristen: Have fun!

'You drive Tom to his appointment'

You: Remember, be honest. They can't help if they don't know the whole thing

Tom: I will, promise. Will you be okay?

You: Yeah, that's why I brought my laptop. I'm good for hours Spidey

Tom: Okay. I'll see you when I'm done

You: Be honest Spidey...

'He smiles and gives you a kiss before he goes in'

Tom's POV

Tom: Hey doctor Louis

Dr. Louis: So, have you been better?

Tom: No. I might be worse. I can't get her family out of my head. They're making me crazy

Dr. Louis: You're not crazy Tom

Tom: Really? Because I totally feel like I am, plus now I've got these

'He stands up and shows Dr. Louis his back'

Dr. Louis: Having anxiety doesn't make you crazy. How did you get those?

Tom: I keep getting this vision or dream I guess that she's slipping away. So, I grab tight thinking I'm holding on to her, but I'm really just grabbing myself

Dr. Louis: Okay. We need to get you to not do that

Tom: Believe me, I don't want to do it

Dr. Louis: Then let's work out a solution, shall we?

'Tom and Dr. Louis talk for hours'

Your POV

'You see Tom come out with a smile on this face'

You: Ready to head home?

Tom: Yeah...

You: Want to stop for ice cream?

Tom: Of course, I do!

'You drive to an ice cream shop, and you both get your favorite flavors'

Tom: This makes a stressful day so much better

You: Speaking of stressful

Tom: What?

You: I have a whole weekend of fun planned!

Tom: But you have work tomorrow

You: I took the day off. They're going to send me the final takes to catch up

Tom: I love you so much

You: I know

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