Part 9

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You: Wh-who's there?

Tom: I thought you'd be here

You: Tom, I thought I asked you to stay put

Tom: You did, but y/n that was 8 hours ago. I was worried

You: Why would you worry?

Tom: Because you haven't answered your phone in 8 hours, and I didn't know where you were

You: Have you ever thought maybe I didn't want people to know?

Tom: Y/n, come on. Let's go home, please

Tom convinces you to go home and Kristen runs up and gives you the biggest hug.

Kristen: I was so worried about you!

You: Trust me, I've already heard that already

You walk straight upstairs and sit on Tom's balcony off his room. You sit with your legs hanging off and just stare at the sunset. You sit there till Tom comes out and sits next to you

Tom: Hey, are you okay?

You: I'm fine

Tom: No, you're not. I know you're not, you don't have to lie to me

You: Why am I the reason people keep getting hurt? I know I'm not that pretty

Tom: Harry just has a short temper and thinks that I just ruin everything

You: So basically, Harry wants to hurt me, but all of you keep getting in the way

Tom: I don't think Harry would ever hit you y/n, but I also thought he'd never hit Harrison, so...

You: That's promising

Tom: Come on, let's head to bed

You head to bed but lay awake until Tom falls asleep. You head downstairs and sit at the island in the kitchen just staring at the wall with a glass of water. You hear footsteps coming down the stairs

Harry: Hey Y/n, can we please talk?

You: Why do you want to talk? And I hope there will be an apology in there

Harry: There is, I promise

You: Then yes, we can talk

Harry: Okay, look I'm really sorry. I didn't mean for any of this happen. But I need to talk to you about Tom

You: What about Tom? The fact that you punched him?

Harry: Well no, Tom really likes you Y/n and I never realized it until you left

You: What do you mean?

Harry: He kept pacing, asking all these questions, calling you, texting you, and crying because you left

You: He did that?

Tom: Umm yeah, I did

You: Tom, what are you doing awake?

Tom: I was never asleep, so I heard you leave

Harry: I'm going to leave you guys to it then

You and Tom talk for so long the sun starts to come up

You: Hey, look the suns coming up

Tom: You know the view is better outside

You: What are we waiting for?

You guys watch the sun come up and before you know it your asleep outside

Tom's POV

Tom: Hey Harry, what did you say to Y/n?

Harry: Well I apologized first, then told her how much you like her

Tom: You didn't tell her love, right?! I mean I do but she likes to go slow

Harry: No, I said like and then you came down

Harrison: Morning guys!

Tom: Hey, how's Kristen?

Harrison: She's okay, she's just worried about Y/n

Tom: Me too, she was up all night. She's finally asleep outside, but she won't be asleep long though

Harry: That's all my fault too. I've literally scared her so she's afraid. I think you should take her to a hotel for a few nights to get her back

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