Part 93

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'You finish up dinner and set up the table'

Mrs. Holland: Dinner's ready!

'Everyone sits down and enjoys the meal. You're all laughing and talking the whole time. You and Tom stay to help clean up'

Tom: Hey, can we talk when we finish?

You: Yeah, of course, we can Spidey

Sam: I love that you still call him Spidey

You: Why wouldn't I?

Sam: I don't know. I just think it's cute

Tom: Me too...

'You finish the dishes and head up to your room'

You: What's going on?

Tom: How could you not tell me?

You: Tell you—Ohh

Tom: We promised!

You: Tom, relax, please. I was going to talk to you before we went to bed. They asked and I'm trying to be more honest and open to everyone. I was going to tell you...I promised you

Tom: Alright, fine. But why wouldn't you tell me?

You: Honestly, I didn't know how I felt until I poured it all out, then it just kept coming.

Tom: But I asked you—

You: Tom, please stop. I know you don't trust me, and that's okay. But if you don't trust me, I can't help you or myself

Tom: I'm sorry. I'm just worried about you

You: I know you are, but we'll get through it...together

'You wrap him in a hug and give him a kiss'

You: Are you taking me to work?

Tom: Yes, and I'm picking you up too

You: Great! Can we head to bed though? I'm really tired

Tom: Of course, come here

'You snuggle up to Tom and he pulls you close. You drift off to sleep and what felt like a few hours later you start to toss and turn'

Tom: Shortie? y/n! Wake up, it's just a dream!

You: Tom?

Tom: I'm right here

You: Oh my god, it was awful. My parents were trying to me kill me!

Tom: ...Well, that's their plan we are going to stop

You: So, it's true? My dream was real?

Tom: Umm...

You: Tom was my dream real?!

Tom: Yeah, I'm sorry...

You: No, no it's okay. I'm going for a walk

Tom: I'll come

You: No, you stay here. I'm not leaving the backyard

Tom: You must not have understood. I'm coming

You: Alright fine

'Tom grabs 2 hoodies and gives one to you. He grabs your hand and you walk around the backyard'

Tom: What's going on shortie?

You: I'm not so sure. I thought getting some fresh air would help, but it hasn't. I'm still worried

Tom: About?

You: Leaving you, and then my parents either following me to LA or them hurting you guys while I'm gone. I'm just scared

Tom: There's no need to be scared. We are both going to be okay

You: How do you know that?

Tom: Because we've been together for almost a year, and I've never been more confident that we can last. Even if one of us is across the country

You: I just don't want anything to happen while I'm gone

Tom: Even if something does, we can handle it. Every one of us in this house can hold our own. I promise

You: Alright. Can we get some water?

Tom: Yeah, come on

'You get inside and Paddy and Kristen are up talking'

Paddy: Kristen, can I ask you something?

Kristen: You can ask me anything

Paddy: Are y/n and Tom going to be okay?

Kristen: Yes of course, why would you think they wouldn't?

Paddy: I heard Tom saying she's leaving

Kristen: Oh, Paddy—

You: Paddy, I'm leaving for work. I'm not leaving Tom

Paddy: Oh, thank god. I was getting nervous that I was going to lose my sister

Tom: Nothing to be worried about bud

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