Part 106

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Mr. Holland: You ready?

You: Yes, let's do this

'The judge starts talking and each lawyer gives their defendants speech. They start with Mr. Holland and he calls Kristen to the stand'

Mr. Holland: Alright Kristen, how do you know y/n?

Kristen: I met her junior year of high school. She was new and looked like a really nice person

Mr. Holland: Is it safe to say she's your best friend?

Kristen: Yes, but she's more like a sister to me now

Mr. Holland: When did she first tell you about her stab wound?

Kristen: We went swimming at my house. She was really scared, and that's also when she told me why she moved

Mr. Holland: Why did she move?

Kristen: At the time, her parents told her it was to move far away from Jacob. But now I know it was only to get her closer to Jacob

Mr. Holland: And why was Jacob in LA?

Kristen: To get help for his anger management issues

Mr. Holland: If you were to compare this y/n to when you first met, how would you do it?

Kristen: y/n was an amazing friend, she still is, but I can tell when she's not here. Like if she gets stressed, she either shuts everyone out or she squeezes her hands

'The next person up was Harrison'

Mr. Holland: How did you meet y/n?

Harrison: At Comic-Con, almost a year ago actually. I gave her Tom's phone number

Mr. Holland: What is y/n to you? A friend?

Harrison: Yeah, she's a very close friend to me, she even introduced me to my fiancé

Mr. Holland: When did you first find out about y/n's past?

Harrison: When they came back from LA after one of Tom's films

Mr. Holland: Has she ever looked to you for help?

Harrison: Yes, when she's planning dates or if she needs someone to keep Tom in the house

Mr. Holland: Why does she want Tom in the house?

Harrison: She doesn't want him to get hurt. She knows what her family is capable of doing, and she never wants that to happen to Tom

Mr. Holland: What doesn't she want to happen?

Harrison: She doesn't want them to hurt him...again

Mr. Holland: What do you mean again?

Harrison: Well a few months after LA, Tom was stabbed by y/n's family

Mr. Holland: Was that the first time they broke in?

Harrison: No, this was before that

Mr. Holland: Would you say the y/n you first met is different than this y/n?

Harrison: Yes, I would, she's been through so much

'After Harrison went, they took a break for lunch, and for the jury to talk about what they know so far'

Tom: Hey, you doing okay?

You: Yeah, I think so

Tom: What's wrong?

You: Can we get some air, please?

Tom: Let me ask my dad if you can

'Tom walks to his dad, and you can see him nod. Tom grabs your hand and brings you to the parking deck'

Tom: Hey, you're okay. Let's walk around

You: I can feel it Spidey...I can feel them coming...

Tom: What are you talking about?

You: The anxiety, the panic, the stress. I can feel it...

Tom: Come here shortie

'Tom wraps you in a hug and those feelings slowly disappear. You start to hug him back'

Tom: Better?

You: Yeah. I wish it would just stop without doing this

Tom: It's okay. That's what I'm here for

You: Thank you, Spidey

Tom: Anytime, you know that

Harrison: Hey, we're starting again

'You nod and walk back in with Tom

Tom: You can do this. The day is almost over, just a few more witnesses

You: ...yeah

Tom: Hey, you're going to kill it. You're going to get up there and crush it like you always do

'He gives you a kiss and you join Mr. Holland again'

Mr. Holland: You alright?

You: Yeah, I just needed some air

Mr. Holland: Okay, good. Would it be okay if I call you next?

You: What?!

Mr. Holland: I think we've almost got them

You: I mean, I guess so

Mr. Holland: Or what about this, I'll call Tom then you

You: What about Jacob?

Mr. Holland: I changed him to be my worst-case scenario

You: Alright. I can go after Tom, but what if they call Jacob?

Mr. Holland: Then they call Jacob. He's given my reassurance he's on our side. He knows what could happen, but I'll help him out if it does happen

You: Okay. Thank you, Mr. Holland

Mr. Holland: Anything for my family

'You give him a hug and the judge comes back. Since Mr. Holland called the first witnesses, your parent's lawyer called the next witnesses'

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