Part 19

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Harry: So, how's Tom?

You: He's okay. He'll be home tomorrow morning

Harry: That's good. How are you?

You: Why does everyone keep asking me that?!

Harry: Well I asked because you haven't let go of your hands since you walked through the door

You: Is that the only reason you asked?

Harry: No, you don't look okay. You don't look like the y/n us Holland boys met a few months ago

You: I don't think that's who I am anymore

Harry: Why not? Accidents happen, mistakes happen, but you can't let them change you

You: Jacob was the one thing I never wanted Tom to be a part of because I knew this would happen

Harry: So?

Tom: So, this could've been avoided if I didn't tell my parents...if I didn't agree to ice cream...if I didn't meet Tom

'You break down and grab a pillow to squeeze instead of your hands'

Harry: You and Tom are going to be fine. You can't change your crazy brother

'He gives you a hug and heads off to bed. You've been staring at the wall almost all night when you hear something from the stairs'

Kristen: You're still up? It's like 4 in the morning

You: I couldn't sleep

Kristen: You couldn't or wouldn't

You: Couldn't. If I fall asleep and have a nightmare or something Tom isn't here to help so it's not worth it

Kristen: Even when Tom is here you don't sleep

You: I'm that obvious?

Kristen: No, but you're staring at a wall, and it's not the first time

You: What if something happens again?

Kristen: Nothing is going to happen, I promise. Come on let's get you to bed, you need at least a few hours

You: Alright, but I probably won't sleep

'You head up to Tom's room and lay on his side so you can smell his scent. You drift off and next thing you know Kristen is waking you up'

Kristen: Hey, y/n, it's time to go get Tom. Go get dressed

'You get ready and head downstairs'

Harrison: Ready?

'You take a deep breath'

You: Yeah, let's go get him

'On your way to getting Tom, you can't stop thinking it's your fault'

Kristen: Hey y/n, you awake back there?

You: Uhh yeah, just thinking

Harrison: Hey why don't you go get Tom and we'll wait out here

You: Yeah sure okay

'You walk inside and see Tom's face light up'

Tom: Shortie! I missed you!

You: I missed you too. Let me go sign your paperwork and we can go

'You sign the paperwork but Tom notices you not your normal self'

You: Ready?

Tom: Yeah get me out of here. Hey, you okay? You look really tired

You: I'm okay, really. We need to worry about you now

'He stops you before the door'

Tom: Look y/n, this changes nothing. I'm still going to protect you, I'm still going to be there to clean your hands, and I'm always going to be there for your attacks, okay?

'You look up at him with tears in your eyes and you grab his hands'

You: How could this not change everything? This never would've happened if I wasn't dumb enough to think my parents wanted to see me

Tom: Shortie, what are you talking about?

You: Can we talk about this in your room, where I don't look like an idiot? Please?

Tom: Yeah. Is Harrison and Kristen outside?

You: Yup, they're right there

'You turn Tom around and they wave. You both head out to the car'

Harrison: Hey Tom!

Kristen: Hey Tom, how ya feeling?

Tom: I'm okay, just want to get home

Harrison: Say no more

'Harrison drives you all home. You help Tom inside and up to his room while Harrison and Kristen made breakfast'

Tom: Can we please talk now? I want you to be honest with me shortie

You: I don't think you want honest right now

Tom: y/n, we're getting married. I need you to be honest with me

You: Fine, but I'm warning you now, you might not like it

Tom: That's okay. I want the y/n I love back, and I feel like the only way to do that is by you letting it out. This is a safe place shortie, I promise

'You take a deep breath and grab a pillow. You don't want to hurt Tom any more than you have'

You: Alright, none of this wouldn't have happened if I wasn't dumb enough to believe my parents actually wanted to see me

Tom: Wait you already said that, what am I missing?

You: I knew Jacob was getting help for his anger, but what I didn't know was that he was in LA. My parents only came to "visit" to pick up Jacob. Which is why he was at the ice cream shop, and why he showed up at my apartment. My parents wanted us to "rebuild" our relationship, but I didn't know any of that and proceeded to put you in complete harm's way

'You start to cry and can't even look at Tom because you know you messed up'

Tom: Shortie, come on. You can't possibly think that would bother me

You: It should bother you, Tom. I was so stupid, and my stupidity almost got you killed

Tom: I'm still, here aren't I?

You: Yes, but that's defeating my point, Tom

Tom: No matter what point you make, I'm still here. I'm still here to hold your hands, I'm still here to wipe your tears, I'm still here to protect you. That could never change, no matter what. I promise

'You finally look up at Tom and he wipes your tears and gives you a giant hug'

Tom: See? I'm still here

You: I love you so much Spidey

Tom: I love you so much shortie. Now can we go eat? I've been smelling it and I've been hungry since we left the hospital

'You both laugh'

You: Yeah, let's go

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