Part 75

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'On your way back home Tom asks you about what happened at dinner'

Tom: Hey, what was Kristen talking about at dinner?

You: About what? Me being able to cook?

Tom: Yeah, why did you shush her?

You: I don't like to relive my past...

Tom: What happened? You said you would tell me

You: Alright, well as you know I had a rough childhood

Tom: Yeah, I do

You: So, there was a time right around 7th or 8th grade when my family basically forgot I existed

Tom: Okay, that's horrible

You: So, I had to learn how to fend for myself. I taught myself how to cook by reading books and watching a food channel on TV

Tom: They really taught you well

You: Thank you, Tom

'You get back home and Tom heads to bed'

You: I'll be up in a minute

'You unpack your stuff from after work and plug your computer in. When you finish you head upstairs'

Tom: Can you put this on my back?

You: Of course. Is this going to help?

Tom: I'm hoping so

'You put on the cream, and put the tube away'

You: You head in, I'm just going to change

'Tom heads out of the room, and you change. When you head back in you don't see Tom'

You: Tom?

'He grabs you from behind and drops you on the bed'

You: I missed that...

Tom: Really? And what about this?
'He starts kissing you all over, especially in the spots he knows you like'

You: I missed this too

Tom: I thought you would. So, what does your fun weekend have planned?

You: Well, the first is a plane ride

Tom: A plane ride? Where are we going?!

You: It's a surprise. This whole weekend is about distracting you, so you can come back to filming Monday

Tom: Fine, I'll just ask Harrison

You: Go for it, he won't know

Tom: Then I'll ask Kristen

You: She won't know either

Tom: You're joking, aren't you?

You: Nope. I just finalized everything while you were with Dr. Louis

Tom: You really are amazing

You: Yeah, I try to be

'Tom rolls you so your flat on your back, and he's on top of you'

Tom: Game on?

You: Yeah, game on

'A few minutes later you hear a knock on the door'

Tom: Can we never have a good time?

You: I'll get it

'You put on Tom's hoodie and answer the door'

You: Kristen, why do you look like you've seen a ghost?

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