Part 45

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You: Hi Spidey! Let me run this upstairs

Tom: Okay, I'll make some lunch

You: Thank you

'You give him a kiss and head upstairs. Before you knock you can hear Kristen crying'

Kristen: Harrison, please stop

Harrison: Kristen, we have to keep it clean

Kristen: You haven't even gotten the gauze off

'You knock and walk-in'

You: Hey, just take this pillow and a deep breath

Harrison: What?

You: I've done this before. I'll take off the gauze for you. Ready? Take a breath

'Kristen takes a breath and you take off the gauze'

Kristen: Oh my god, I know how Tom feels

You: Please don't make me feel worse about this

Kristen: You don't need to feel bad, I stepped in front to stop him

You: Why would you do that?

Kristen: He was going for Tom and Harrison

You: Kristen, you didn't have to do that

Kristen: Yes, I did. He was planning something that would leave you all alone

Harrison: We can't let that happen

Tom: Hey, what's going on? I made lunch

Harrison: Not much

Tom: y/n, look! Hers will look like ours!

You: You're right, but hers will be smaller

Tom: True. Here Kristen. y/n let's leave them be

You: If you need help Harrison, just yell

Harrison: Okay, thank you

'You and Tom head to your room. You walk straight to the balcony and start to cry'

Tom: Hey, are you okay?

You: No, I'm not

Tom: What's going on? Talk to me

You: I almost lost all of you

Tom: What?

You: Kristen wasn't purposely stabbed, she stepped in front before my dad could get to our room

Tom: She did?

You: Yes!

'You lean on Tom and completely break down. Tom doesn't say anything just sits you in between his legs and wraps his arms around you'

Harrison: Oh, I'm sorry. I can come back

Tom: It's okay. Do you need anything?

Harrison: Kristen asked me to check on y/n. We heard her crying

'You don't say anything so Tom answers'

Tom: She's going to be okay

Harrison: Going to be?

Tom: Yeah. Can we talk about this later?

Harrison: Yeah mate

'Harrison leaves and you grab onto Tom'

You: I don't know what I would do without you guys

Tom: We're not going anywhere shortie

You: You don't plan on it...

Tom: True, but there are always things we don't plan on happening that happen, like us meeting at Comic-Con

You: I don't know what else to do. I moved you all here out of harm's way, and he still found us

Tom: Do you think he may have followed you after you dropped off Jacob?

You: Maybe, but I was in your car

Tom: Maybe Jacob didn't actually come alone

You: I hope that's not the case Tom because then I'd be putting you in harm's way yet again

Tom: But you didn't know any of this would happen

You: But it did happen

Tom: And how were you supposed to know it

You: I didn't know

Tom: Exactly. So, why are you being so hard on yourself about something you can't control?

'You bolt up and start crying again'

You: Because I should be able to control it!

Tom: Hey, hey, hey relax

You: Don't tell me to relax Tom. How can I relax when all this happened because of me?

Kristen: It didn't happen because of you

You: Kristen?

Kristen: You can't change your crazy family, but you can fight for what you have

Tom: And you finally have good people

You: Every day I have to fight and none of you know it

Tom: What are you talking about?

You: None of you are constantly looking over your shoulder worried someone's going to just get what they've always wanted. You don't have to deal with the names and the constant bashing. Yes, I have you guys, and yes, I am thankful, but you just don't understand

'You go to walk out, and Tom grabs your hand'

Tom: Shortie?

You: Spidey, please let me go. I need to be alone

'Tom let's go and you head out to the beach to listen to all the waves. You sit there and cry for a while but end up sitting there just listening to the waves crash on the shore. You're out there for hours until you hear something behind you and jump up off the sand'

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