Part 53

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'You get ready to walk down the aisle. Paddy walks first then Sam and Harry. Harrison and Kristen follow, then Tom's parents. You take a breath and start to walk towards the aisle. You walk down and see Tom start to cry, so you tear up too'

Tom: You really do look stunning

You: That's what I was aiming for

'You get through the ceremony and Tom says his vows first'

Tom: y/n, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. You light up my entire world. You make me so happy. Everything we've been through so far has only made me love you even more. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you

You: Tom, I never thought I would be standing here marrying you. My life has always been a roller-coaster, but after I met you, my cart slowed down. You showed me what love is, and how it felt to be happy and loved so much. I'm so excited to grow old with you.

'Paddy gives you both the rings and each of you places the rings on each other's fingers. The only thing left is to say...'

Tom: I do

You: I do

'Tom swoops you down and kisses you while everyone cheers. You and Tom walk back through the crowd and to a limo waiting for you'

You: I can't wait for our party

Tom: I can't wait for everything after

'You give him a kiss'

You: You're too cute

Tom: I try to be. Hey, are you doing okay?

You: Yeah, of course. We have a few more hours of complete fun

Tom: Yeah, I'm going to dance all night!

You: Well, I'm not. My feet won't last

Tom: Then take your shoes off and dance the night away

You: Okay, maybe

'You both laugh, and you grab his hand and lay your head on his shoulder'

You: I love you Spidey

Tom: I love you too shortie

'You arrive at your reception and everyone was already there waiting for you. When you get there you and Tom get ready to walk in'

DJ: And now, let me introduce for the very first time Mr. and Mrs. Tom Holland!

'Everyone cheers as you and Tom walk in. You walk to the dance floor and you have your first dance together. When you finish you sit at a long table for dinner'

You: I can't believe how many people are here Tom

Tom: I told you I wanted the whole cast

You: Okay, yes, but I wasn't expecting all of them to say they'd come

Tom: I think it's great they all came

You: I do too, less of a chance of something dramatic happening

Tom: Well shortie, we're all actors, so dramatics is our thing

You: I mean the other dramatic Tom

Tom: Oh, let's not think about that now

You: Well we don't have to

Tom: Oh right, that's Harrison and Kristen's problem

Tom: Yes, it is

'You all eat dinner, and Kristen and Harrison make their speeches. You all dance the night away, meet new people, and have the best night. Halfway through the night, you changed into a dress that was easier to dance in'

Tom: Alright, everyone's gone home. Are you ready?

You: Yeah, I just have to tell the manager where to put the gifts

Tom: Aren't they being delivered to our house?

You: Yes, but I need to tell them where we live Spidey

Tom: Okay, I'll meet you in the car

You: No, come with me

Tom: Uhh sure...

You: I don't want this night to be ruined

'You give him a kiss and find the manager. After you tell him the address, you head home'

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