Part 50

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You: We have to get my dress soon

Tom: Why don't we go now? It might take a while to get off our street

You: That's fine. I'm going to the bathroom first though

'You and Tom get to the car and it seems like the people have tripled. You manage to get out of the garage and street safely'

You: I don't know how you do this...

Tom: What the paparazzi?

You: Yeah, this is insane

Tom: It's pretty standard actually

You: It's still insane

'You get to the dress shop'

You: You stay here, and you can't look!

Tom: I promise

You: I should only be 30-45 minutes. I have to make sure it fits perfectly

Tom: Okay, I'll be right here

'You head inside to get your dress and make sure it fits the way you want'

Stylist: Does it look okay?

You: Uhh actually, can we try to fix this piece here?

Stylist: Oh yes, here. Better?

You: Yes, thank you so much. It's perfect

Stylist: Ok, I'll wrap it up so you can take it

You: Great, thank you

'The lady packs up your dress in a black bag, so Tom can't see through it'

You: Do I owe you anything for the alteration?

Stylist: Absolutely not dear. Have a wonderful wedding

You: Thank you so much. Enjoy your day!

'You head out to the car and lay your dress across the back seat'

Tom: Is it perfect?

You: Yes, it is

Tom: Well, I can't wait to see it

You: I can't wait for you to see it too

Tom: Hey, is my dad still walking with you?

You: Umm no. I decided I was okay with going by myself

Tom: You just want all the eyes on you, don't you?

You: Yes, but I also decided it wouldn't be right for your dad to walk me down the aisle

Tom: Why not?

You: A girl's father is supposed to give her away, not the father-in-law. I would rather go by myself and prove I don't need them

Tom: I'm so proud of you shortie

You: Thanks, Spidey

'Tom drives you to a bunch of different stores to finish picking everything up. You stop by the place where your reception will be to drop off everything they need'

Manager: Is this everything for the big day?

Tom: Yes, this is everything

Manager: Great! We will send you pictures the night before of how the room looks. We can move anything around that you'd like

You: That's great, thank you so much

Manager: Of course. We will see you guys in a few days!

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