Part 77

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You: I'm so sorry Harrison

Harrison: Why? It's your mom, you didn't do anything

Kristen: That doesn't matter to her remember?

Harrison: Right. It's okay y/n, no worries

Kristen: Is she gone?

Tom: Yes. My dad had her arrested

Harrison: For what?

You: The murder of my father

Harrison and Kristen: She murdered your father!?

You: No, I ended up killing him in self-defense

Tom: And before we left, we planted everything to look like her mom did it apparently

Harrison: What do you mean apparently?

You: We left before the cops came. Harry said he'd cover for us

Tom: He just told us a story to run with

You: And I'm sticking to it. I want them out of my life

Kristen: Hey, we do too

You: They just ruin everything!

Tom: Yes, they do

Harrison: Dude, you're not helping

Tom: Sorry. We were having a great moment, and her mother messed it up

You: She really did

Kristen: We should all get some sleep

You: Yeah, we don't want to miss our flight!

Harrison: I'm sorry, what flight?

You: Well, I planned a surprise trip!

Kristen: Where are we going?

Tom: That's a surprise. Only she knows

Harrison: Fine with me

You: I'll wake you guys up around 9

Kristen: Sounds good!

'They head back to bed, and you and Tom try to get the moment back, but can't '

Tom: I'm so mad. I was so excited about our game!

You: There will be plenty of game time when we get where we're going

Tom: Promise?

You: Promise!

'You snuggle into Tom and he holds you tight. You wake up the next morning before Tom and pack some of his things. You can't tell him what to pack or it would ruin your surprise. You head down and pack clothes for Kristen and Harrison too. When you finish packing you make breakfast, put it on the table, and wake everyone up'

You: Harrison! Kristen! Breakfast is ready!

'You head up to Tom to wake him up'

You: Hey Tom, time to get up

Tom: Already?

You: Yes, your breakfast is getting cold

Tom: Okay, I'll be right down

'You go back downstairs and join Kristen and Harrison'

Tom: Y/N!

You: Yes Tom?

Tom: Where's my fav—

You: I'm wearing it!

Tom: Dammit. Where's the other one?

You: Packed up! Pick a different one!

Harrison: Did you pack for all of us?

You: I did. Right before I made breakfast

Kristen: May I ask why?

You: I'm not giving away my surprise!

Tom: This is like my least favorite sweatshirt

You: Well, here. All your sweatshirts are my favorite

Tom: Thanks, shortie

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