Part 143

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Tom's POV

Tom: What do you want?

Sophie: I want you back Tommy...

Tom: You can't have me back. I'm married and besides you left me 4 years ago

Sophie: Well, I made a mistake...

Tom: Whether you made a mistake or not, I'm happily married to y/n

Sophie: Or is it because you got her pregnant?

Tom: y/n can't get pregnant

Sophie: Well rumor has it she is

Tom: I don't know where you heard that but they're wrong. I've been to all of the appointments, she physically can't go through it

Sophie: Why do you care about some non-celebrity?

Tom: Well for one, she hates being in the spotlight and she doesn't want me for my money, unlike you. You wanted the fame, y/n doesn't

Sophie: do seem happy

Tom: I am, and I need you to leave now, or I'm going to call the cops Sophie

'She leaves and Tom just sits there with his head in his hands'

Your POV

'Your phone rings while you're unpacking'

Tom: Hey shortie

You: Hey, what's up?

Tom: Do you need help unpacking?

You: Yes, please. If you can come help that would be amazing Spidey

Tom: I'll be there in 15

'He hangs up and Robert walks in'

Robert: Was that Tom?

You: Yeah, he's on his way here actually. Thank you for this morning

Robert: Of course. Can I help you unpack?

You: If you really want to

Robert: I do, so what's first?

You: That box of books and binders. It just goes on that bookshelf in year order

Robert: I can do that

'You and Robert unpack, then Tom gets there. He hugs you from behind and kisses your head'

Tom: I'm here, what should I do?

You: Help Robert unpack those books and binders

Robert: And put them in year order

Tom: Let's do it!

'Tom and Robert finish the books and you have to sit down'

Tom: You okay?

You: Just really tired

Robert: You didn't even do the books

You: Well—

Tom: Do you really want to tell him?

You: Yes. Robert, can you close the door, please?

'He closes the door and walks back to you. You pull out a box for Robert'

Robert: What's going on?

You: Here, this is for you

'He opens the box and has a huge smile'

Robert: Are you serious?!

Tom: Yeah, and we would like you to be a godfather

Robert: I would love to!

You: You can't tell anyone about this though. I want these fellas to have a semi-normal life

Robert: Fellas? Are you having more than one?

You: Yes, but everyone back home only thinks I'm having one

Tom: We want to surprise them when they're born

Robert: So, who are the other godparents?

You: Kristen, Sam, and Harrison

Robert: One of your babies will have 2 godfathers?

Tom: Yeah, it's strange, but we know this is the best

Robert: Well, I'm honored guys, really

You: You need to promise you won't say anything to anyone. I physically cannot be stressed, my body can't handle it, and the paparazzi make it so much worse

Robert: Your secrets safe with me, I promise

Tom: Thank you, Robert

Robert: Of course. Now, what's next?

You: Those boxes of files, they go in the cabinet. They're already in order, you just need to move them

'They boys finish up the last of your boxes and you decide to call the new member of your team'

You: Hi, is this Ashley?

Ashley: Yes, how may I help you?

You: My name is y/n, and I would like to congratulate and welcome you to our creative team

Ashley: Are you serious?!

You: Yes, congratulations. I look forward to working with you. I'll email you everything you need

'You hang up and get everything together and send the email to her'

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