Part 4

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You get back to your room and notice Kristen texted you

Kristen: OMG! OMG! OMG! 

I think I might be falling for Harrison!

You: Well, I can't say I'm surprised 

you two are cute together!

Kristen: Well, what about Tom?

You: Not sure yet, but you know 

me slow and steady lol

You head over to the couch with Tom

Tom: Hey, so what are we watching?

You: Oh, I don't care, whatever you want

Tom: What about Spider-man: Far from Home?

You: Sure! I loved that one! You did a really good job.

Tom: Well, thank you. Have you heard from Kristen?

You: Actually, yeah and it looks like we'll be going on some really fun trips!

Tom: Wait...seriously??

You: Yeah! I can't wait!

You guys finish the movie with just enough time to get to the park downtown. While "watching" the movie you learned all about Tom and his family and he learned about you and your family.

Tom: Ready to head out?

You: Yeah let's go!

You head to the park. About 2 blocks into your walk Tom goes to hold your hand

Tom: Is it alright?

You: Yeah, I would love that

As you get closer to the park you see Harrison and Kristen

Harrison: Look at those two, they're like the perfect couple!

Kristen: Oh, I know, but I don't think they are dating yet

Harrison: Why not?

You: Because I take things slow and steady, Harrison

Tom: Well, I'll wait, as long as it takes

He kisses the top of your head and Harrison and Kristen break their news to you

Harrison: So, are you telling them, or am I?

You and Tom: Telling us what??

Kristen: Harrison and I are dating!

You: Oh wow! I'm so happy for you!

Tom: So off to the trips we go!

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