Part 141

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Kristen: Hey, have a safe trip

You: I will don't worry

Kristen: What if you run into Jacob?

You: I packed all my baggier clothing. This little fella will be hidden from the world

Tom: Hence why she's wearing my sweatshirt

Harrison: It makes sense. You guys didn't officially tell the world you were a thing till you were married and 9 months into it

You: I want them to have the best chance at a halfway normal life

Kristen: They will have the best life

Harrison: They're going to be a Holland, what's better than that?

Tom: Being a Downey...

You: We haven't told Robert!

Tom: That's a good thing, the whole world would know in an hour

You: Okay...but wait!

Tom: Oh! Alright, we'll talk about that later

Kristen: What just happened?

You: Nothing, we're good

Harrison: Ready to go?

Tom: Yeah, let's go

'Harrison drives you to the airport and you board the plane with Tom'

Tom: Okay, so what happened at the house? I was just going along with you

You: Robert gave us the apartment, and he said in return to make him godfather!

Tom: Now I remember. So, who's leaving Harrison or Harry?

You: Harry

Tom: That was quick

You: Harrison will be living with these two and always helping, I think he and Robert are a great choice. Do you?

Tom: Yes, I do

You: I can't wait to meet them

Tom: Me too, I hope it's a boy and a girl then we don't have to try again

You: If we do try again, it will be a while. I'm not sure how my body's going to respond

Tom: We'll take out time. We've got two

'You smile at him and fall asleep on his shoulder. The plane lands in New York, and the paparazzi are everywhere you look'

Tom: You need to keep calm and keep breathing

You: I'm going to do my best

Tom: You can't give your body too much stress

You: Yes, I know. Just give me your hand to squeeze

Tom: Okay, here we go

'You start walking through the crowd of people excited to see Tom. You squeeze tighter and start to pick up the pace. You grab your bags and get into a cab to the apartment'

You: How'd I do?

Tom: Much better. You're getting good at this

You: I'm trying. Did you remember the key?

Tom: I gave it to Dave before we left

'You walk in and Dave has a big smile'

Dave: Welcome back Mr. and Mrs. Holland

Tom: Hi, how are you?

Dave: I'm great. Here's your key

You: Thank you for holding on to it

Dave: It's part of my job

Tom: Have a good night Dave

'You head upstairs into the apartment and see a note on the counter. You wait for Tom to head upstairs before you open it'

It read: Hi y/n, hope all is well. I dropped by but you weren't home. I heard a rumor you're pregnant? Wasn't that impossible? I'll stop by again. I just want to say hello and catch up.               -S

You: TOM!

Tom: What?! Are you okay?

'You have him the note'

Tom: Who's S?

You: I don't know. I also only told your family, could it be Sam?

Tom: No, he wouldn't want to catch up, we just saw him and he's still in London

You: Whoever it is obviously knows something we don't, like how to get in here

Tom: Maybe it's Susan, she's Robert's wife

You: Oh maybe, the S would make sense

Tom: Alright, come on. You have a busy day tomorrow

'You head up to bed. You're nervous about who left the note, but the way Tom held onto you made you feel so much better'

You: Night Spidey, love you

Tom: Goodnight shortie, love you more

You: Not possible

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